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Noor had been spending time with Subhaan as she refused the job offer making an excuse of Yumna's upbringing as she disliked sharing her differences with Yazaan to anyone but she couldn't hide it for long. Subhaan tried showing how negative and backward life she has been living and she seriously needed to mend things for herself.

Subhaan had been trying to pin point the things she missed in her life and she had a deep unsettling and discontentment for herself. She remained upset and depressed as Yazaan was beginning to notice a change in his wife. He tried his best to calm her as he knew she was obedient and never questioned her but with time she was becoming more upfront and questioning his decisions.

She started discussing her thoughts with Subhaan who supported Noor as he considered her very talented and believed that she had made a huge sacrifice by marrying Yazaan as he was a divorcee or else she would have ended up marrying someone with much more capabilities and qualities. He was full of praises for Noor whereas Yazaan was not even close to her shoe lace.

Noor started feeling pride and arrogant and this lead to disobedience on her part. She had been a loving wife but now she refused to bent down and obey. Yazaan tried to talk it out with her but in vain as she felt gracious and sad at her decision. She deserved better was something Subhaan stated and now even she began to feel so.

They had a huge argument one night when Yazaan remained silent and Noor burst into sobs complaining and expressing her regret on this marriage as Yazaan was shocked.

"Noor...are you not happy with me?" He demanded to know as his fists were clenched at his sides trying to control his anger. "Tell me. Are you not happy with me? What has changed sweetheart?"

"I don't know." Noor wailed. "I am suffocated and I hate this life behind bars and walls. I want my freedom and I want to...want to have a career....friends....recognition..."

Yazaan studied her for a long moment and then he put a very serious question forward.

"Do you want all those instead of my love and attention?" Yazaan asked as Noor head shot up. "Tell me Noor, do you want all this instead of me, Yumna and our togetheness?"

"Maybe..." she replied as his eyes filled with tears and she could notice his heart shatter into million pieces. He wasn't expecting this but he knew that she had changed and he couldn't keep her tied down forcefully.

"You are free to go anywhere you want and do whatever you desire Noor. You will have no restraints from me." He said taking a deep sigh as Noor conscience pricked in. She had been so annoyed by Yazaan's concern and possessiveness but now he was ready to give that up but did it mean that he stopped caring for her?

"I know you would be happy if I offer you separation but I have Yumna to think about and I cannot let her struggle so if you want to walk away, you can do so happily." Yazaan said in deeply trouble voice refusing to meet her eyes. "And if you demand to separate from me, I will do it at the cost of taking custody of my daughter. She is all I have after you."

Yazaan didn't say anything as he bent his head and walked away. Noor realized her world crumbling into million pieces as the pain that she witnessed was deeper and inflicting torture she had never experienced before. She had lived 7 years of her life with Yazaan and his suddenly walking out and leaving her alone would have a deep affect on her.

That night she lay on bed reconsidering her thoughts as she waited for Yazaan to return so she may apologize. The coldness of bed made her realize the mistake she has committed but he never joined her. She tossed and turned as sleep was nowhere in her eyes. She went in search of Yazaan to find him resting on his couch as his spectacles were on and he had dozed off without knowledge.

She stood and stared at her husband as age had taken toll on his handsome features and the grey shades of hair that covered his temples and few strands in between. He was nearing 40 and appeared tired and exhausted as she squat beside him. Her heart pained at the thought of leaving him and never before had he ever agreed for separation. So why now and why did he make such hasty decisions?

She shook her head realizing the every-day arguments and her demand to take up a career and desiring freedon as she was adamant in understanding his reasons. She wanted to wake him up and wrap her arms around him crying with an apology but her insides refused to do so. She had rebelled for her decision and it will have consequences so she should first make her choice and then decide what to do. She missed the familiarity of their togetherness.

She returned back to bed to find Yumna peeking from the blanket. She held her daughter closely as she felt at peace as silent tears trickled from her eyes. The little one cooed and made noises as she smiled at her amidst tears as the pain inside her didn't subside at all. She wanted Yumna to feel proud of her Mom one day and see her capabilities so she can grow to be the same.

She drifted off to sleep as she had no clue about it but when her alarm blared, she woke up checking her watch. It was morning already and she needed to prepare breakfast for her husband. The realization of an empty bed was itself an agony that she put up with as she walked out to find the door closing as she realized that Yazaan has left.

She realized that he had left early and without breakfast as her heart was in her stomach with despair. Welcome Noor to this loneliness and empty life that she had chosen for herself. She sighed realizing her mistake but she knew that she had Subhaan and he would mend things for her. After all he had feelings for her and she could return back to him now but the main thing that pricked in was that, even this idea didn't convinced her or took away the pain she felt a loss of Yazaan. He has become a chunk of her heart and she had no idea about it until now. Ya Allah! What has she put herself into?

(To be contd...........)

Dear Readers,

I am so glad to see readers following this story as it is taking quite a time to type in. Well, this story portrays many issues and dangerous facts about spilling truth about your marital life to someone outside. There are hundreds out there who are jealous of married couples and only few try to make things better for them.

One should never share troubles until not necessary or else it becomes a reason for separation for couples. Subhaan is trying all his tricks to break Noor apart but does he actually love her and want her or is it something else that he wants from her?

More will be coming in future so stay hooked and enjoy reading. Please vote, like and follow.

Thank You:)

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