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Noor sat unmoved as Yazaan kissed on the back of her hand and tried to pretend as if nothing had happened between them. She searched Yazaan's eyes to find is she existed in his heart anymore and she found herself so why did he betray her?

She could feel the pain of her heart crumbling inside little by little as Yazaan tried to keep the façade and continue his pretense. She still remember when he bent forward and kissed the nape of her neck which annoyed her to an extent and she ended up pushing him away.

"Noor?" He threw a questioning glance as Noor stood up hugging himself and trying to control herself from screaming. She cannot bear this anymore. It was just beyond her limit.

"Yazaan....I know what you are hiding from me and I cannot go on like this anymore." She said angrily refusing to look at him. She trembled inside as she tried to hold herself in one place. "I know about you and...and...."

She couldn't bring her Didi's name on her tongue.

"And?" he was right behind her as she could feel the frown on his face. She refused to look in his eyes scared to witness a changed Yazaan who would cheated on him.

"Didi. I know what you both are up to." She said finally. "And I cannot believe you hid all this from me."

"Noor...sweetheart." Yazaan said grabbing her shoulder from behind as he tried to massage it to sooth her. "I am really sorry. I know I should have shared this with you earlier and I feared that when you come to know about it, you will be terribly upset."

"What were you expecting me to do?" Noor demanded her tear filled eyes finally meeting Yazaan's as she saw regret and hurt in them. So he was ashamed of his actions after all.

"I agree to you now that your sister is a wonderful person and she didn't deserve that isolation on your part." Yazaan said slowly. "I have realized my mistake now."

"Are you out of your mind?" Noor said snatching herself away from Yazaan as he frowned in confusion.

"Noor, what is wrong? Why are you acting so weird?" Yazaan asked puzzled as Noor couldn't believe that after making such clear confession about his feelings, he thinks that she is a fool.

"You are sick! Crazy! Absolutely insane!" She screamed at Yazaan as she pushed him away and tried to walk out of the room which was suffocating her when Yazaan grabbed her arm angrily.

"Finish our conversation. What are you talking about?" He insisted in a high tone.

"You bloody cheat! How dare you grab my arm?!" Noor almost yelled as Yazaan left her arm instantly as he was caught in a web of thoughts. What was she trying to say?

"Noor... What are you talking about?" He said uncertain as Noor couldn't believe he acted so surprised. She was happy that he was felt with regret but seeing Yazaan act innocent make her boil inside. So he was still not ready to confess the truth.

"I have heard you and Didi and I know you both are....having an affair." Noor finally managed to say it when Yazaan lifted her hand to give her a tight slap but he hit it at the wall as Noor looked at her horrified.

"Noor! Have you lost it?!" He screamed angrily and that's when Anfal entered the scene confused as Noor was standing at one corner and Yazaan on the other side and his roar had awakened Yumna as she was silent for few seconds and then burst into cries.

"Noor...Yazaan? What's going on?" Anfal said looking shocked as she searched their faces worried. Their was a deep tensing silence with Yumna's cries as they both were rooted to their place. Anfal went and picked up Yumna in her arms and without a word she tried to leave when Noor ran to her and pushed her forcefully.

"Noor!" Yazaan growled as Anfal balanced herself surprised. Noor grabbed her daughter from Anfal's grip as she turned to both of them.

"I don't care what you both are up to but I am not going to give my daughter away!" She snapped at them angrily as if threatening them.

"Yazaan, what is she saying?" Anfal demanded frowning puzzled as Yazaan shrugged angrily shaking his head helplessly. "What is she saying? Why is she acting like this?"

"You tell me what am I supposed to say?!" Noor pounced at Anfal when Yazaan stepped in between trying to protect her. Anfal stared at her hurt and shocked. "You got what you wanted! Right! Are you happy now?!"

"Noor! You talk to me...okay?!" Yazaan reminded her. "Anfal is no where involved in any of this!"

"You are really concerned about her now?" Noor mocked at Yazaan as he exchanged glances with Anfal who still couldn't understand what was happening.

"Noor, you are really out of your senses now!" Yazaan said finally. "We need to rethink about all this situation. All this is a bloody misunderstanding!"

"I don't care!" Noor yelled. "I cannot spend one more second under this roof with you! I am going away!"

"Noor! You cannot go anywhere. I will leave!" Yazaan screamed hinting on 'I' word as he walked away leaving them all alone in the room.

Noor took crying Yumna to the bed as she tried to soothe her as she ignored Anfal who was still in her room. She wasn't on good terms with her and now she didn't exist for her.

"Noori..." She called from behind in a concerned voice. "What is..."

"Didi! Please get out of here!" Noor muttered angrily refusing to hear her sister.

"Noori, I don't know what has happened between you two and I shouldn't be involved." Anfal said caring less for her little sister's insult remark. "All I know is he had been a great husband to you and he really loves you a lot."

Noor smirked at Anfal's confession. As if she needed that confrontation from Anfal who didn't intend any goodness for her and envied her.

" have no idea what you could have gotten into but he saved you. He believed on your loyalty and trusted you when...when that bloody Subhaan had done his best to shatter it. You just have no idea how much he demoralized you." Anfal finally said as Noor froze to the depths

Noor froze inside to the depths as she mentioned Subhaan's name. Yazaan had come across Subhaan and knew about her meetings with her but still he trusted her? And what about Anfal who had set all this up? Had she failed in spoiling their relationship because Yazaan refused to believe on Subhaan but what has she done?

Yazaan had no idea that Anfal was behind all this and Anfal is still clueless what has happened between Noor and Yazaan. If she comes to find out, she will definitely use it to her advantage. She cannot let her do that and the realization that she had humiliated Yazaan and believed that he could betrayed her, made her insides shatter. How can she be so shallow?

She needed to reach Yazaan before Anfal could. She need to apologize and make amends of all the wrong she had done. She knew he would be immensely hurt.

She waited for Yazaan anxiously but he never returned. He never returned to her.

(To be contd...........)

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