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Noor waited till next evening as she kept dialing Yazaan's phone but it was switched off. She had cried herself to sleep as guilt weighed her down and she wanted to just disappear in shame.

She remembered how she had been a weaker person in this marriage and yet Yazaan chose to trust her over everything and when he was in a similar situation, she got jealous and insulted him. She actually insulted herself by not trusting her husband and she felt how weak her love was for Yazaan which just crumbled away.

When finally she was certain Yazaan is in some serious trouble, she dialed Yazaan elder brother and his best friend informing of the situation. Yazaan's elder brother Meezan came over as he helped her search for him and finally they came to know that he was arrested for an accident he caused and was in jail.

Noor was shattered and mortified as she knew that it was weekend and he couldn't return before Sunday. Meezan went to meet Yazaan but didn't allow him and Noor blamed herself. Anfal was witnessing the scenario as she sounded desperate and wanted to help Noor but she kept her at bay.

It was Monday morning when Yazaan arrived as she noticed he was dressed in same clothes as his hairs were disheveled and he seemed exhausted. He had dark circles and looked aged as the beard on his face grew and he appeared weak.

He headed for the bathroom and had a shower as Noor didn't have courage to have a conversation with Yazaan. He shaved and changed into tack suit as Noor hoped he would join her in the bedroom but he didn't. Instead, he left the house and she had no idea where he had gone again.

Late afternoon she heard her mobile ringing and it was Meezaan. Noor received her phone eagerly as he expected some news from Yazaan but what he said snatched the ground from her feet.

"Noor....I want you to come with me to our place for few days as Yazaan wants to be left alone on his own."

Meezan stayed in Qassim with his family and she hadn't known Yazaan's brothers really well as they lived separate. They had conversation on Eid and at times in between but not on a friendly note. She was really worried as she insisted that he should convince Yazaan to talk to her before he takes any strong decisions.

Meezan didn't promise anything as he hung up. Noor was devastated as she couldn't believe all this was happening as the world around her closed upon her and she began to feel a darkness penetrate as she felt suffocated. She felt she was drowning as she couldn't see anything and in no time she lost her grip on the knees and fainted.

She could hear Anfal's screams as she called her name. "Noori! Noori...Ya Allah, Noori! Wake up!"

And soon her tensed voice faded somewhere as she lost consciousness and was rushed to a hospital in an emergency. She was admitted for few hours and finally when she regained her consciousness, she hoped to see Yazaan but she was welcomed by the emptiness of the cold room.

She looked around and that's when Anfal entered with Yumna, a smile on her face as she tried to soothe Yumna with a toy and she stopped to see Noor awake.

" are you feeling?" She asked concerned coming by her side and touching her hands. She had been administered an IV as she lied on the bed.

"What happened to me?" Noor asked frowning as her first instinct was to hold Yumna and feel her but she had no strength.

"I don't know. You just collapsed so I called an emergency number and brought you here. I informed Yazaan too and he was here but he left few minutes back." Anfal said cluelessly as Noor nodded in agreement.

"Hmm...can I hold Yumna as I just want to..." She requested and Anfal helped her hold the baby. She placed her on Noor's chest as tears spilled her eyes.

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