Urgent Marriage

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Noor shouldn't be having second thoughts. She shouldn't be feeling things that she had been feeling from the time her alliance was arranged with Yazaan, so why now when she was about to sign her Nikaah contract. She was happy when her father stood by her and though Yazaan left for Jeddah, he contacted her when he was at the airport giving a green signal to this relationship.

Noor cried happily as it felt like an achievement as she wanted Yazaan to return back to him but he put things on hold for six months as he had a job to take care in Jeddah. He promised to return and with a heavy heart Noor bid him goodbye as she was satisfied with her decision and contented that she made a correct choice.

Things had grown really sour between her and Anfal when she disclosed that she had confronted Yazaan to leave her for good presenting an excuse that his father was suffering chest pain because of all this chaos he created. Yazaan had made his approach to Noor's father and talked him in accepting this proposal but the news of her father's detoriating health that Anfal made up forced him to step away from Noor. It was Allah's mercy that Noor's father heard everything and admired Yazaan for his mature decision as he was impressed by him when Noor disclosed what had happened though he was furious at Anfal's silly attempt.

Six months was a long period as Yazaan never failed to communicate with Noor as they discussed so many things regarding their future. Noor felt blessed to have him and his father never returned to Qatar due to his health issues where things grew worst for Anfal. It was nearly 10 months and as Zaid offered presenting fake promises to Anfal crashing her hopes as he was unable to send Anfal visa from UK. Her in-laws started disliking Anfal and things began to get ugly for Anfal as there were constant complains and harrasment from her in-laws. Zaid seemed to care less about it and he was really upset about Noor engaged to Yazaan as Noor come to realize how low and cheap Zaid was as he had no concern for his wife and poked his nose in her business. Yet, she never stopped or gave up on Yazaan.

Finally, he returned as promised and Noor was at the top of the world that day. She knew where he was staying so she managed to meet him at the hotel as she eagerly embraced him trying to show how much she had missed him in all these months. They shared a deep, hot kiss trying to fill the void that had developed when they were away which lead to them deeper physical intimacy and as Noor was certain she craved for Yazaan and wanted to make love to him, he would take her to the edge and then leave her there as it is.

"Yazaan? Why do you...?" She asked annoyed when he withdrew from her.

"Noor, I only want to make love to you when you are officially mine." He replied in a heavy breath. "I feel guilty when I get into all this but I feel helpless too."

"We will be getting married soon." Noor reminded as she was going absolutely crazy with his resistance. "I don't find anything wrong if we..."

"Please Noor...I don't want to do this to you." He requested as she chose to remain mum. "It's matter of few days and as we have managed for so long, we can further too."

Noor didn't say anything as she forced a smile. He dropped a kiss on her forehead and disappeared as Noor clung to the sheet trying to hide her naked body.

She wondered how much he cared for her but somewhere deep down her thoughts made her wonder that why does he refrain from mating with her? Does he still doubt his destiny that they will be driven apart or is it something else that bothers him?

Time went by with her disturbing thoughts continuing to haunt her as her father's health detoriated and he was admitted in hospital. This called for an urgent 'Nikaah' as they were made to sign the contract in hospital itself with 'qazi' to fulfil the necessary obligations as her father witnessed it with a smile. Her mother was by her side followed by three more close relatives and Yazaan. Anfal had refused to be a part of it as Zaid was still adamant towards it so they have to continue without her.

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