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Subhaan looked at her shamelessly as she stood her hands fisted by her sides boiling in anger but her inside was a mess as she realized how her heart raced and feelings that she had forgotten brought goosebumps on her skin just at the sight of him. Her heart contracted as she realized that when it came to him, she was hopelessly helpless.

"I know you couldn't keep me away. You have to forgive me and how can you ever forget your friend?" He said knowingly enjoying his glass of juice.

"Subhaan...stop whatever you are trying. It's pointless!" She snapped angrily though one side of her heart and mind screamed that her life is presenting another opportunity where she can seek her answers and she is pushing it away. Suddenly she panicked to find out the answers behind everything.

"Pointless? You are here and you tell me it's pointless?" He chuckled as Noor realized her mistake. She realized that her stepping in this house had made him think otherwise. Oh oh!

"I am here to put your brain back in your head but now I remember. You never had one!" She snapped angrily crossing her arms around her chest as their eyes froze at eachother for few seconds as he smirked.

"Yes you are right, orelse I wouldn't have lost someone like you." He said in a slow painful voice as her senses went on high alert and she froze for a moment. Her heart raced as her hands and feet grew cold.

"I know I treated you very badly. I was so overcome by my fame in modelling that I thought you were trash and when you expressed your feelings for me, I was in air as I always believed that you are the one person I can never woo." Subhaan started. "Your talent was a big factor that marked my career but once we were over, I started having my downfall gradually."

"So now you want me back because you think I was the reason for your success." Noor asked raising her eye-brow.

"When you confessed your feelings for me, I wanted to push you and make you try hard but little did I know that you would end up marrying someone else. Eventually, I would have realized but you didn't wait or stay." He complained as Noor didn't know what to reply. Her mind was clouded as the past that she had was so long diminished from her mind but the ache that Subhaan had inflicted on her remained and she did remember the good memories.

"I remember you said 'it was over between us'?" She reminded and he nodded in agreement. He tried to take few steps towards Noor but gratefully, Manhaa entered the room with her daughter who was crying.

Noor took her in his arms as she calmed her down realizing that all this discussion meant nothing anymore. He chose this and he is destined to suffer so she turned to leave when he called her.

" you love Yazaan?" He asked from behind as she sighed deeply uncertain about her feelings.

"Why do you ask?" She asked frowning still refusing to meet his eyes.

"I don't know why but seeing you here I feel that you haven't forgotten me, you still have feelings for me and if you have actually loved your wouldn't be here." He said confidently as Noor's heart saddened. She made a wrong move stepping here but she will get away from it.

"You can think whatever you wish and suffer as much as you want, Subhaan because 'we are over'." She said finally taking her daughter and returning back to her house.

She flopped on the couch as her daughter played in her arms but she was overwhelmed with guilt as her mistake made her suffer. She shouldn't have walked up to Subhaan as things have grown harder for her.

Half an hour passed when the keys in the door turned and Yazaan stepped in with his laptop bag as a huge grin covered his face and he greeted Noor. He took Yumna from her hands and dropped a kiss as Noor felt humiliated to meet her husband's eyes.

"Noor, I have planned a vacation and we all will be going to India next month." He declared happily as Noor nodded silently in response. She disappeared in kitchen as she wondered how come Yazaan showed up so early as it was still early afternoon.

As Noor busied herself in arranging lunch for Yazaan, he snooped behind her as he slipped her arms around her waist and pulled her in a warm, loving embrace.

"Are you okay? I was expecting a different sort of reacition from you...after all we going to India after years and you have wanted this always!" Yazaan said happily as Noor smiled weakly and complained of a headache.

"Let's have lunch and pop in a paracetamol. You will be okay." Yazaan assured as Noor agreed. Once they were done with lunch Noor prepared tea for her husband as she washed the dishes as she knew the routine where Yazaan will either be with his laptop or television watching some news.

"Noor, Yummi is fast asleep so I will put her in cot and if you are done with your work...come over. Okay." He said as she nodded finishing with few of her dishes as she wiped her hands on the apron and removed it. She was surprised to find Yazaan in bedroom as he patted her to sit beside her as he was half-lying on bed with a laptop on his tummy.

Noor sighed as she knew that Yazaan wanted to talk about something while working as she knew she couldn't expect anything different. Can she?

She joined him to find him surfing the web. Noor began to have a general conversation when her eyes went to the site he was searching.

"What are you doing?" She asked suddenly looking at the screen.

"I was planning a small tour of India. How about Kerala or Simla? I remembered you said me you have never seen snow in your life so I think I should opt for Kashmir. Are you okay with it?" He asked as Noor was ecstatic at the thought of going on sight-seeing. She had always wanted to go some place with Yazaan but things were never in their favor.

"What had gotten into you?" She enquired curiously as Yazaan was up for surprised today.

"Nothing." He shrugged it away. "I just realized. We tend to take people in our life for granted but eventually they will get tired of you and I don't want that. I want you to know that I still love you very, very much and you are a light of my life. Without you I will be nothing and I will lose my path, my dreams and even my soul."

Noor studied Yazaan as his eyes glistened as she wondered what had happened to him? Years had put a rust to their relationship and yet they enjoyed their love-making but apart from that their was hardly any communicatio as he is always working and she is back home looking after his home.

But why now? He didn't show his feelings before and she wondered if he knew something about her? Did he spot Subhaan or does he know that he had been to meet him? Something was fishy but how could she figure it out. How?

(To be contd....)

Dear Readers,

What do you think is the reason of Yazaan's sudden change? Does he know something or is it out of the blue that he is doing all this?

Comments are welcomed!


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