Chapter 1

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People around me constantly told me about how great Jisoo was;and the fact that he is also good looking is what makes him irresistible among the girls in my grade.

But well,is that only me or...Jisoo was only gentle to the others but chic to me?

"Look at Josh!!Omg he looks so adorable while eating!!"YeRi fangirled a little while glancing towards Jisoo (a.k.a Joshua but people call him Josh) which he was now eating with his crews.
I frowned.Didnt want to disappoint YeRi,I turned my head to take a look of Jisoo and his crew,known as seventeen,and my gaze met with a fair skinned guy,with his hair bloned but reddish pink at the roots.He flashed me a smile.I did the same.

"Hey,do you think i have a chance with josh?he's super nice to me though," Yeri stated,blushing a little,at the same time snapping you out from your encounter with that cute little boy.
"Well,Im not sure of it,only if im closer to Josh.You don't mind,Do you?"You asked.
"Well,I don't really mind because I only admired him...and I dont want to get my hopes high cause,y'know,Yoona and her fellas had set their eyes on him too.I heard that they are having argument over Josh"Yeri said,before chewing on a mouthfull of bibimbap.
"What argument?"you frowned"Its not like they are dating him,"you continued.
Yeri shrugged."Who knows.Minah told me that they were being 'possesive' over Josh which doesnt even belong to them"
Wierd.He doesnt even look like a gentleman to me.

The bell rang just in time and you have to leave for class.You grabbed your backpack and bid goodbye to Yeri before parting ways to your locker to grab your book for your next class.

"History?Ugh..."You mumbled to yourself as you pulled out a few papers and notebooks from your locker.Your hand slipped and a file full of paper dropped from your lockers and paper scattered all over the hallway.

You silently cursed. "Great.I'm late now and the file isnt helping."You bend down and start collecting the papers.

Suddenly,you felt a presence in front of you.You looked up.It was Jisoo.He stared at you for a second and he continued his way to his class,which was the same as yours - history.You decided to ignore that and continue collecting your papers...Until you felt someone handing you half a stack of your papers.

"Thanks,"you said.Looking up,you saw that guy who you locked eyes with at the cafeteria earlier."Need some help?"asked Jihoon.You laughed."Hasn't you helped me already?"You said as you help yourself up."Im having history class now,"you stated."Well,me too.We can walk to class together,"Jihoon suggested.

You pulled out all necessities from your locker and secure it before leaving to history.It was the first class of the academic year and you spent your time with a friend of yours who you knew since elementary.Lee Jihoon was his name,but people prefer calling him woozi.

You hated history class and you were not paying attention.All the time you were just talking around making new friends.
All of them were welcoming.They were nice,really.

"I didnt know 1 hour 15 minutes were that long,"Jihoon said,stretching his body.
"Neither I,"you agreed as you packed your things before leaving the classroom.

"Hey...I was just wondering we could hangout sometimes.."said the other friend which you made earlier,Lee Chan.Apparently he belongs to part of the seventeen and so do jihoon.
"Sure,Chan.I'd be glad to."you smiled,before leaving the classroom.

You didnt know if you were being sensitive or it was just imagination,but you could feel a pair of eyes looking at you from distance.
You shivered as you fastens your pace to look for Yeri and Wendy.

"Gentleman" JisooOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz