Chapter 25

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"______,try on this gown,"your mom said,as she picked a gown from the rack,shoving it to you.

You were exhausted from trying on the gowns."Mom,it's already the 12th gown I have tried on for today,"you groaned.

Your mother glared at you."You wanna look good for Joshua,don't you?"she said.You kept quiet.That was certainly a yes.

"Plus High school Prom is something unforgettable.No complaints,"your mom shushed you.

"Oh by the way,where's dad?"you asked,taking over a few gowns your mom gave you to try on.

"He went to look for tux with Josh,"your mom stated.You nodded and went back to the fitting room.

You wore a dress you particularly liked and you stepped out of the fitting room."How was this?"you questioned,hoping your mom would agree with your choice.

Your mom gaped."It's stunning,"your mom said,as you turned around so she could examined it.It was a shade of Tiffany Blue,which is your favourite colour,and a series of silver sequins on your waist, hugging your curve at the right places.The Tiffany Blue colour has also did a great job in lightening up your skin tone.Your skin looks fairer than it used to be.

"You look gorgeous,I'm sure Joshua will be drooling all over his tux,"your mom stated,giggling.You slapped her lightly on her arm and blushed hard.

"Mom,stop it!"you said,as you saw your dad and Joshua approaches the gown shop.

Sure,your parents had seen Joshua and they approved him for being your boyfriend,unlike they have seen SeungCheol before.They claimed that Joshua is 'religious' (which he actually is) and can never do anything bad.

They also seemed to like Joshua a lot because on friday night he would be joining your family for dinner and probably a movie night.

"How was it?"you heard Joshua asked your mom as you closed the fitting room door.He was not supposed to see it now,because it is a surprise for prom night.

"You'll be surprised,"your mom commented,leaving Joshua with a sincere and cute giggle.You changed back into your normal clothes and passed the gown to the shopkeeper."I'll take this,"you said,before joining your parents and Joshua.

"I can't wait to see you in your gown,"Joshua whispered, as your cheek flushes a scarlet red.Your dad went to the cashier and made the payment before you planted a kiss on his cheeks."Thanks dad,"you said,smiling.

"Geez,you're already 17 but you act like a 7,"your dad commented,but he couldn't contain himself as the curve at the end of his lips sold him out.Dad's always a fool for daughters.

"Alright you two,"your mom said,gaining attention from you and Joshua."Me and dad will be in the mart for grocery shopping and both of you might wanna grab something,especially _______,I knew you always had a sweet tooth.Be right here after 45 minutes,alright?Young people,"your mom continued.

You and Joshua nodded as your parents made their way to the mart and you headed to a dessert shop.

You ordered yourself a slice of black forest cake and Joshua ordered a blueberry cheesecake.

"I can't believe we are graduating,"you exclaimed,while eating the cake.Joshua smiled."Me neither,Time flies,I guess.We went through a lot this year,"he stated,and you agreed.

Lee Chan that poor kid he was really nice but you have to reject him because you had no feelings for him;SeungCheol who broke your heart leaving you with a hard time and Joshua who suffered a lot.

Everything finally comes into place at the end.It did suffered a lot in the process,but the ending is certainly beautiful.

"I can't wait for Prom night,"you said,enthusiastically."Me too,"Joshua stated,reaching over your lips and wiped away a small stain of chocolate."You're adorable,"he giggled.

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