Chapter 14

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It has been a while.Im so sorry :/
Really busy with school and work.I promise I will update asap.Enjoy~~


You ran as fast as you can.You wiped your tears which are pouring out of your eyes right now,as you slow down to catch your breathe.Everything was in a mess.You gapsed for air,trying to chill yourself from the thoughts of SeungCheol.

Not knowing where you were,you walked aimlessly along the sidewalk,occasionally looking up at the sky to free your thoughts.It's all lies,isn't it?

You have not date SeungCheol for more than one month but he had already been cheating on you.You sighed.You should've listen to your parents.They were right after all.Now I know why people says 'always listen to the elders'.

You continue walking until you felt a little familiar with the surrounding.Didn't I came here yesterday?You look around,trying to gather your thoughts properly.A luxurious big house caught your eye.Hey wait...Isn't that Jisoo's?!You ran over to take a closer look.It indeed was.

Wow good.I'm too immersed in my own thoughts and I ended up at Jisoo's place.How dumb of you,_____.You reached Jisoo's doorstep,hesitating to ring the doorbell or not.After a while of hesitation, you finally decided to leave.I shouldn't have cause trouble to him again.

Just then,there was a really loud thunder,making you flinch at the sound.It was going to rain anysoon.You decided to ran home as soon as possible.However,when you just stepped out of Jisoo's doorstep,the rain started pouring.You looked at the grey sky.There was an intance you hoped that the rain could wash you away from all of these problems.You didn't move,but instead enjoying every drop of the rain pouring on you.You felt like laughing at yourself.What a bitter breakup;Even the weather isn't helping you.Breaking up with SeungCheol is the worst thing ever,and is also the last thing you wanted to do.How would life be with without him?

You closed your eyes,feeling exhausted at everything that happened. Just then,you felt someone back hugged you."Don't say anything,"A familiar voice whispers into your ear.He was not holding an umbrella either,but instead soaking wet in the rain together with you.

He pulled you into somewhere,but you're not aware as you're slowly losing consciousness. He handed you a dry towel and helped you dried your hair and neck."Thank you,"you said,as he laid you on his leather couch.He didn't said anything,instead he left to somewhere else.

Slightly after a few minutes,you regained consciousness,and take a look around you.It was Jisoo's.Jisoo,who was still soaking wet,came back from the kitchen with two cups of ginger tea.He handed one of it to you."Drink it,it'll feel much more better and avoid you from catching a cold."he said,before gulping on the ginger tea.You nodded and mouthed 'thank you' at him and wrapped yourself with that towel before gulping on the ginger tea.

"I guess you should take a shower,"Jisoo states.You decided to obey his instructions, and so he gave you a set of his garment to change on.You went to shower and Jisoo went to change his clothes.

You came out of the shower in Jisoo's oversized tee and sweatpants on.Jisoo who was now dry,hopped up from the couch and grab the towel which was on your shoulder,and rubbed your hair.

"You should dry your hair properly, don't get a cold!"Jisoo said,frowning while drying up your hair.You stared at the floor.He was so nice to you...isn't he?Why would he sometimes be so chic to you?

"Uhm...where's Jihoon?"you asked Jisoo."Oh...he went to the mart for some groceries.He said he'd be back soon,"Jisoo replied,before continued."And why were you outside just now?"he said,with a comcerned tone.

Tears filled your eyes again and Jisoo was shocked."Hey,hey,chill down...I'm sorry...You can choose to not answer me if you don't want to,"Jisoo quickly apologized.You shook your head."I need comfort,"you said,trying hard to stop your tears from flowing out but your emotions isn't helping."Come,"Jisoo opened his arms and you embraced him.You leaned your head on his broad,toned chest.It felt...warm.

"HEY JOSH LOOK I BOUGHT THE NEW FLAVOURED RAMEN YOU SH-"Jihoon barged in from the front door without knocking,only to see you in Jisoo's embrace.Jihoon dropped the groceries with his eyes widened,gaping.You excused yourself out of Jisoo's hug."I'm sorry,"you said,wiping your tears.

Jisoo frowned.Hyung,why would you?Jihoon gulped,and said "Well,I guess I have to arranged these groceries in the kitchen... and sorry for interrupting."Jihoon states,before running into the kitchen.

"Well...SeungCheol cheated on me,"you said,tears dripping off your face.Jisoo's eyes widened."W-what?!"Jisoo shouted,in shock.Jihoon,who was worried,hurried over from the kitchen."What happened?"he asked,frowning,not knowing anything."SeungCheol cheated on me,"you repeated.Jihoon gaped in disbelief.Jisoo is now boiling in anger.He grabbed his jacket which was right beside him and stood up.

You grabbed his wrist."No,Jisoo.No,"you said,staring on your feet."That bastard,I swear-"Jisoo cursed."No,Jisoo.You've done more than enough for me.I can't involve you in this time,"you said between sobs.

Jisoo seemed to calmed down a little,so he threw himself on the couch."Jisoo,"you called.He leaned in and looked at your face."Thank you,"you whispered."I don't want your thank you!"Jisoo exclaimed."I just want to protect you,"he states,hands reaching at your hair to brush them away from your face.You lost trust in love.You have no idea what to do.

"I'm sorry Jisoo.I'm not ready yet."you stated."I understand."he nodded."But that doesn't mean I'm not involved in this."he said,as he cracks his fingers.

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