Chapter 20

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You and Joshua took a walk around the streets.You never liked shopping in malls anyway,because you're only 17 and you only got a few dollars.

Joshua,being the gentleman he always were,followed you everywhere you go,making sure that you are fine.

At last when you decided to take a rest on the bench in the park,you held your coffee and sat with Joshua on the bench.

"So...about my confession..."Joshua trailed off.

You froze.You almost forgot to breathe.You didn't know how to response.

He smiled bitterly, looking down at his white converse,before staring into your eyes."I guess you don't have to answer it,"he said,inhaling the cold brezzy air.

You looked at him closely.He was about to cry.You opened your mouth,wanting to speak but no words came out.Your mind is completely blank,denying any single word that is coming to your mind.

You felt your heart shattered into pieces by this side of Joshua.He had been waiting for you long enough for him to become insane.Tears welled your eyes as you reached out to pat Joshua's back.

Joshua forced a smile."Uhm...I guess something caught in my eyes.It's so itchy,"

You didn't know why,but you just felt that way.Joshua always make you feel things that SeungCheol didn't;Joshua was always by your side but SeungCheol isn't;Joshua...

You felt sorry and guilty. You were the cause of everything.If you didn't exist,maybe things wouldn't be that complicated.

You sipped at your warm Cappucino.There was a rush of warm coffee down your throat,warming your insides which hasn't been well,at least not when watching Joshua cried.

The warm coffee was comforting enough,just like Joshua.He never fails to give you warmth when you are out in the cold;He was the one who spent all of his time on you so that you'll feel much better because of SeungCheol;He was the one who...

You shook your head.It can't be...

Just then,Joshua stood up."Let's get going,"he said,with his teary eyes.You stared at him.He became self-conscious and he avoided your gaze."Uhm...I guess we shouldn't sit here long...There were too much sand and dust here.My eyes hurts,"Joshua said,smiling.

Just before he turned his back away,you ran and hug him from behind."Stop lying,"you said,as the tears dropped uncontrollably.Joshua's shoulders started to flinched a little.Maybe he was crying...

You hugged him for centuries as both of you cried your hearts out.You didn't knew why,but you just felt like crying.Every single thing was too much for you to handle.

Just when you thought things are getting fine...

"________!!!"a familiar voice called from afar.

You let go of Joshua and both of you saw SeungCheol.He ran over furious and landed his fist on Joshua's face.Joshua fell to the floor by his violent act.

"CHOI SEUNGCHEOL!!"you yelled,before helping Joshua who was injured.

"What was that for,"Joshua murmured. SeungCheol was boiling with anger."Stealing my girl,"he swore,before grabbing Joshua's collar.

"CHOI SEUNGCHEOL!!YOU'RE TOO MUCH!!"you telled at him.He let go of Joshua and advanced towards you.

"Did you just..."he paused.You looked at him."Cheated on me?"he asked.

You kept quiet,avoiding his gaze.He nodded."So you did,"You couldn't hold it back anymore,so you argued back.

"So what were you doing?Practicing?!Then why would you be here?!You weren't even in your jersey!!"you yelled at him,feeling anger slowly washed over you.

Now it was his turn to kept quiet."Yeah,you lied.You didn't have practices.You just used that as an excuse to keep me away."you said,as a drop of tears started rolling down your cheeks.

Both of you stayed silent.Joshua was staring from afar.SeungCheol glared at him.If it wasn't him,things wouldn't have turned out like this.

"I guess..."you paused,looking up at him."We should stop seeing each other."you said.SeungCheol's eye widened."Since I'm not your priority, then I see no point of us going any further,"you stated.

SeungCheol paused and he stared into the distance. Sighing,he finally voiced."Alright,but before you run into Joshua's arms,I request for a fight,"

Your eyes widened."Choi SeungCheol,stop it,would you?"you yelled at him.Joshua heard it so he commented."It's fine for me,"you looked at him with a worried face.SeungCheol stared at both of you as he let jealousy took over his senses.

SeungCheol landed his fist on Joshua's arm."I'm going easy because I don't want our Friendship ruined,"SeungCheol said,before leaving the park.You ran over to help Joshua and hugged him tightly.

Joshua hugged back and he patted the back of your head."Are you hurt?"you asked,concerned.

"Why would you do this?!"you said,hitting his chest.

"I'm just doing anything I could to protect the person i love,"

"Gentleman" JisooUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum