Chapter 17

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"Hello?"You called.

"OH MY GOD BABY LISTEN I CAN EXPLAIN-"the person from the other side of the phone literally screamed.

You smiled."Hey,chill.Do you wanna meet up at the coffee shop at the Uptown?"you asked.

"Uh-- Sure,but babe listen I-"SeungCheol tried to explain.

"Well we will talk about that when we reach the coffee shop,"you stated and hang up the call.


You pushed open the glass door,taking a deep breathe and let the coffee aroma fill your nasal cavity.A waitress,who ushered you to an empty table,took your order before she ran back to the counter.

"Thanks,"you said,smiling before she left the table.You ordered yourself a mocha and a chicken sandwich.SeungCheol isn't here yet.What takes him so long?

Shortly after the waitress served you your order,SeungCheol arrived at the coffee shop,sweating.He looked around nervously as he tried to catch his breathe.He caught you in a corner and he went to you immediately.

"H-hey b-babe i-i-.."he struggled to say between pants."Woah,SeungCheol,chill man,chill."you assured him as you asks the waitress for a glass of plain water.

SeungCheol gulped down that glass of water and he wiped his sweat away,now feeling better.

You decided to tease him a little."Hey babe,listen.I'm sorry if I made you sad.I love you babe,and I have never cheated on you.And I swear to god I will never do that.I love you so much..."SeungCheol explained."Watch your words,SeungCheol!"you gently slapped his arm."Sorry,"he apologised.

"I know.SooYoung met me a few days ago,"you stated.SeungCheol nods,and he stared at you."You're forgiven,"you said,with a straight face.His comcerned face turned into a bright smile.As bright as SeokMin's.But of course SeokMin can't be compared.His smile is brighter than the sun.

"But that doesn't mean that I'm not mad,"you said,sulking.His face turned into a frown again."Why on earth are you late?"You said,glaring at him.

Finally realising the reason why you were angry,he pulled out a pink love shaped box from his bag and gave it to you.You looked at him suspiciously before you took over that box,opening it to see that it was filled with chocolate,and a small letter inside.You picked up the letter and read it.

Dear _____ ♡,
I'm very sorry if I had let you down,but you have to trust me!I have never even thought of cheating on you.You're really precious to me,I can't afford to lose you.Honestly I was so afraid that we are breaking up because of my sister's so called 'plan'...I cried thinking of that and I wasn't able to eat for days...I'm so sorry babe~~Can you still be mine?

Tears welled your eyes.You pulled a small piece of parchment paper away,revealling small chocolates lined up accordingly and 5 big letter 'SORRY' could be seen.

Tears started to roll down from your eyes.This time it isn't because of sadness,but touched.You looked up at SeungCheol.He was panicking again."W-why babe?No please don't cry,I-I..."SeungCheol said,picking a few pieces of tissue and handed it to you.

"Dumb blonde!I'm not even mad at you now!!I knew you didn't cheat on me!!I should be the one who's sorry,not you!So selfish of me to think that you'll cheat on me,I'm so sorry SeungCheol..."you said,sobbing.

SeungCheol smiled,due to the fact that he had forgiven."Come,I'll give you a hug,"he said,opening his arms.You threw yourself into his embrace and he wrapped his hands around you,patting your head from time to time to calm you down.

A few moments later,both of you came out of the coffee shop."Let me walk you home,"SeungCheol said.You nodded and smile sweetly at him.Both of you walked side to side on the sidewalk towards your house.You felt weird.Something was missing,though SeungCheol was the old him,talking and laughing,sometimes even rapping on the way home.You smiled a little but you didn't let him know what you had in mind.

"Thanks,"you said,smiling as you headed towards your doorstep."Hold on,"he said.You stopped,and turned back."Does that mean we are back together?"SeungCheol asked,carefully.You took a deep breathe,before nodding at him,smiling softly.He grinned brightly and waved to you."Alright,Go in!!Don't ever catch a cold!!"he almost yelled.

You stepped into your house and closed the door behind you.You let out a sigh.'Something's missing.But I couldn't tell what it was,' You frowned.


Joshua was skipping his way to ______'s house.His parents had visited him that evening and they brought him a few chocolate from The States where you couldn't get it in Korea.He couldn't wait to share it with you because he knew that you always had a thing for chocolate.He packed the chocolate in a love shaped box before he made its way to your house.

He hummed a melody of a song that he had been rearranging lately,and he couldn't wait to share the song and joy with you.He even brought his mp3 with him to let you comment some parts because he knew you were always good in music.

He frozed when he saw two familiar figures standing right infront of the sidewalk of your house.The female smiled at the male while the male smiled and waved goodbye at her.He could feel his heart shattered into pieces at the moment.He also noticed that she was holding a love shaped box.Probably a gift from the male.

He felt his heart shattered into pieces.He looked down at the love shaped box filled with chocolate.No point giving her now,Jisoo.Tears filled Joshua's eyes as he tossed that love box into a trashcan nearby.Heartbroken,he walked home soullessly,throwing himself into the bed without even having dinner.

Why does she always had a big impact on me?

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