Chapter 19

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The sun shines through the window of your bedroom.You frowned at the strong ray,at the same time feeling the strong heat in your sheets.You sat yourself up,only to find your pyjamas slightly damped due to the sweat.You picked a couple piece of tissue from your nightstand and wiped your forehead.

Today's weekend...How am I going to spend it?! You thought.You reached for your phone and unlocked it,only to reveal that it was only 8.30am in the morning.You sighed.You washed up and changed into a comfortable and pretty casual clothes and tied your hair into a messy bun before you headed downstairs.

You forgot that your parents were outstation so you came down to an empty dining table.You threw yourself on the couch and phoned Yeri.Maybe she can hangout for some time.

"Yes?"Yeri said,over the phone."Yeri-ah,can we hangout today?I'm all by myself.It's so boring...."you complained."Uh..."Yeri hesitated."Please~"you pouted at the air,hoping Yeri could see it but obviously she can't because she's over the phone."Uhm,babe.Look,I really wanted to hangout with you but I can't.I already have a date."Yeri said,uncomfortable."Who is it?"you asked,casually."Uh...Wonwoo..."she replied.You could feel her blush over the phone."Well,it's okay then.Never mind me and enjoy your date."you said."Sorry,"Yeri apologized."That's not a big deal,Yeri.Enjoy your date and tell me later in school."you replied."Alright,I guess Wonwoo's here already."Yeri stated,and you heard a manly voice in the background. Wonwoo's probably there."Bye,"you said,before hanging up the call.

You sighed,picking yourself up from the couch and grabbed your handbag.You left the house and walked to the cafe nearby.You were always craving coffee in the morning and that is why you always knew the right place to go.

You pushed open the glass door and there was a bell hunging on the door.A clear jingling sound was heard,and you were welcomed by the barista.

"Welcome,miss.What would you like to order?"the barista asked.You shift your gaze from the menu board,to the barista.You saw that he had his nametag on.Bobby?

"Uhm...I'd like to have some chicken sandwich and a coffee latte."you told him.He smiled and key in your orders."It's 20,000 won in total,miss."he said,politely smiling.You pulled out two pieces of 10,000 won and handed to Bobby.He smiled and handed you your receipt."Please wait while we prepare your order,"he said,before heading towards the coffee machine.

You moved from the counter to the empty seats in the cafe.It was pretty empty,because this cafe was pretty isolated.Only a few of the neighbourhoods knew here.Although they were not as popular as Starbucks,their coffee is way better.It suits your taste because it was not sweet but has that slightly bitter aura which attracts you the most.

You plopped yourself on a vacant table.You swiped your phone with the internet access of the cafe while waiting for your order to be ready.You plugged in your earphones and listen to some music.

Suddenly, you felt someone was tapping on your shoulder.You turn around in shocked,while pulling out one side of your earphone.Your eyes widened automatically when you saw him.

"Joshua?!"you exclaimed."Yeah.May I have a seat here?"he smiled.You nodded.He sat himself on the seat right opposite of yours."Why are you here?"you asked,feeling your heart racing by his appearance."I came out for a walk and I decided to have some coffee,"he stated."Doesn't the Seventeen hangout at your place today?"you asked."Nope,SeungCheol had practices and some boys have football practice too,"he stated."I guess we are left out then,"you giggled.Joshua kept quiet for a moment.

"Do you wanna go out with me then?"Joshua asked,staring at you.You froze.Did he just- You stared back at him in the eyes.You felt your heartbeat increasing rapidly.Just then,Bobby the barista called out,breaking the silence."Miss,your order is ready,"

You stood up and headed to the counter.Bobby winked at you before he place a few napkins on your tray.You avoided his gaze."Uh-I don't think I ordered Cappuccino..."you questioned."Ah-this is that Mister who shared table with you ordered."he stated.You nodded and excuse yourself back to the table.

"Thanks,"Joshua said.You nodded,and picked up a napkin to wipe your hands because a drip of latte had caught on your hand.

You noticed there was a message on the napkin.

Dear miss,mind being friends?I think you're really beautiful.This is my number. 1234567890. -Bobby

You frowned at the message.Joshua saw you frowning at a piece of napkin so he snatched it from you and read it.

"Hong Jis-"before you could even finish your sentence, he ripped the napkin into pieces."What are you doing,Jisoo?"you questioned.He took a sip of his cappuccino and laid back before he replied you."Protecting you,".You scoffed."I bet you're jealous,"Words slipped out of your mouth and you slapped yourself lightly with your right hand.

Joshua's eyes widened at your words so he sat up from his seat.He stared at you.

"Yes.I'm jealous.So what are you going to do?Date me?Go out with me?"Joshua asked.You bit your lips.Why would I even say things like this?You felt embarassed.

You didn't reply him but instead you stared at your shoes."Since we are free today so why don't we spend today together?"Joshua suggested.You looked at him."It's no harm anyway,"he continued.

Thinking that the day would probably be long without plans so you agreed to him.You finished your breakfast and left the coffee shop with him.

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