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Rylee Kenni $al

"Yeah ma, I here you." I chuckle into the phone, grabbing my black backpack out the passenger side of my all black bmw.

My mom was once again reminding me ten times in a row to come help out in her store after school. Even though I do everyday simply because I enjoy helping her.

"Okay, Bug, pay attention in school, I'll see you soon, love you." Almost fifteen years later and she still calls me that.

"Love you too ma." We end the call and I finally get out my car closing and locking the doors behind me, slipping my gold iphone 6s into my back pocket.

The senior lot is fairly empty like always, considering the fact I get here pretty early to work on some work in the library.

Going straight there since I don't too much like breakfast, it was a short walk. Seeing the library empty as well, except for a few girls.

Usually Kj is here with me but he woke up late, so hes a few minutes behind. I take a seat at the table Im always in, which happens to be behind the girls.

Pulling out my Ap Algebra 2 homework, a pencil, calculator I get to work listening to music. Math has always been my favorite subject, it comes easy and so I enjoy it, like art. But no one knows about that but my parents, and godfather.

Seeing out the corner of my eye someone sitting next to me I look up at Kj, taking out one headphone.

"What took yo ass so long, slutty boy?" I joke as we share a handshake he smacks his lips pulling out homework.

"Had to let yo girl finish doing her dues." Kj replies sending me a playful smirk, I chuckle waving him off getting back to work.

After a few minutes I feel a tap on my shoulder, I take my headphone back out to see what Kj wants.

"What?" I ask him watching him look at the girls at the table infront of us.

"You know them?" I follow his gaze to see the two females that looks like they're seniors, like us.

I didnt pay much attention to them at first but they are attractive, I wont lie. One is brown skin and the other is Asian.

Catching eye contact with the brown skin one, I fight against the urge to smile, shes very beautiful. I watch as her full pouty lips turn into a frown making me instantly mug back and finally look away.

Wassup with females and these damn attitudes?

"Nah." I tell him simply.

"I think they in our math class." I shrug in disinterest, going back to my work.

I chuckle to myself seeing him still staring at the Asian who, unlike her friend, didnt look up. Shaking my head, just like his dad, crazy about Asians.


Entering my last period of the day, but my favorite, Ap Algebra 2, I take a seat on the far right wall towards the middle. Im the first one in here so I check my texts from my homeboys and watch as people file in before the tardy bell rings.

I see the girls from the library walk in with Kj in the middle. They're laughing so I know more than likely he's trying to spit game at the Asian.

He brings them over sitting next to me, the brown skin sits in front of me and her friend to her left.

"Rylee this is Nalah and her bestfriend Millani, girls this is my ugly ass bestfriend slash cousin, Rylee." King introduce us I mug him then look over at the girls.

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