
83 5 0

Millani Mai Miller

"What are you watching?" I ask my dad plopping next to him on the living room couch. It was the first night of my suspension and I'm already bored.

"The last dragon." He replies handing me the popcorn bowl.

I take a handful of kettle corn to eat from while watching the movie with him. Growing up this is all we would do on our free days is watch movies, specifically karate movies.

We watched them so much that I begged him to enroll me in a karate class. That lasted for a year and a half until I changed my mind and cheerleading became my new interest. I still know a few moves but I dont practice it as often as I used to.

"Dad?" I ask quietly slowing my munching on the popcorn.

"Hmm?" His eyes dont leave the tv and his hand doesnt leave the popcorn bowl.

"Why did Fawn leave us?" I watch his face go from relaxed to angry/hurt before he masks it.

I didnt wanna bring up old feelings, especially since shes trying to make an effort now, but I cant help my curiosity. 

My dad took a deep breath before speaking.

"I wish I knew, Mai, I really do. All she said before she left was that she couldnt do it anymore. She didnt say she would keep in touch, or even try to take one of yall with her. Its not like she was at home with yall all day and night while I worked, we both worked, we split everything 50/50. My assumption is that she still wanted to live the life of a young woman and not be tied down." He shrugs his shoulders as if he could careless, finally looking over at me. "I'd say I did pretty good job to be a single parent of three, all my kids are going to college, you have a roof over your head and food to eat."

I couldnt help but think about how she still turned around and made a whole new family and something about her just randomly popping up isnt sitting well with me. Nothing too weird happened when I visited, but theres still this gut feeling I have.

I reach over and give him a big hug, showing him exactly how I felt.

"I know Nancy can be pretty annoying but she makes me happy, Mai, please try to ease up on her. If yall sat down and actually talked I think yall's relationship would be a lot better." I nod my head, taking his words into consideration.

Im going off to college at the end of summer, no need to continue to be a brat, even if she does cross the line sometimes.

"Oh and dont think you off the hook about fighting and getting suspended." My dad said looking at me out the corner of his eye.

"Dad, trust me she started it, she was talking noise, I aint say nothing back, then she stood up so I did too. I dont start problems but Im sorry, Im not allowing anyone to punk me." His lips curl up in satisfaction at my words but stop before making a full smile.

"You know damn well I dont want you to allow ANYONE to think they can run over you, Mai."

"I know, Im just as upset as you about getting suspended, I hate missing class."

"Lil nerd ass."

Our laughter fills the room as we both turn our attention to the movie enjoying this father-daughter time while we can.


Wednesday Morning

Rylee Kenni Sal

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