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Marli in mm ✨😭💞

Millani Mai Miller

Wednesday Afternoon

I manurer through the slightly crowed halls of my high school, saying a few hellos to people I talk to here and there, heading towards Nalah.

"Wasspoppin shawty!" Is how I greet her with a smile as she closes her locker looking at me with curious eyes.

"Why you so happy today?" Nalah's tone full of suspicion.

"Why is me being happy a problem?" I try toning down my mood to its usual calm state, walking side and side to the senior lot where my car is parked.

"Because youre hardly ever happy at school." I chuckle under my breath at the stares shes giving me as if shes trying to read my mind.

"Stop being weird Nalah."

"Baby!" Kj calls across the lot gaining her attention before she could interrogate me like she wanted.

"This isnt over." She gives me a pointed look then relaxes her face to a beautiful smile as she basically skips over to him.

Laughing at her silly antics I head towards Rylee who stood at his car that was next to mine.

"You look nice, Millz." Rylee compliments me with a smirk pulling me into a hug I had no choice but to return.

"Who said you could be hugging on me like that?" My tone feigning sassiness I playfully cross my arms over my chest, looking him up and down.

"Well I mean you have yet to physically stop me sooo..." He pauses looking up in the sky for his answer, just extra, "you." I laugh shaking my head and walk over to my car unlocking the doors getting in.

"I'll see you in a bit fool." Waving at me for a little he then turns to get into his own car. We decided to meet up a day earlier because I got called into work at the last minute for Thursday.

I pull out the lot getting directly stuck in the after school traffic our school always has. I look down at my phone that dinged with a text.


A smirk unintentionally graced my face as I think about how close we have become. Instead of replying I leave her on read just to bother her, because I know it drives her crazy.

Nalah🤑✨: OH SO YOU LEAVING ME ON READ NOW?? 4:23 p.m.

Nalah🤑✨: you cute hoe 4:23 p.m.

Me: 😂 I'll spill tea later 4:24 p.m.

Nalah🤑✨: my mug will be waiting 4:25 p.m.

Putting my phone down I focus back on the now moving traffic, driving in the direction of the city's hospital. It took me about 30 minutes due to how heavy the traffic was but I push that to the back of my mind and park.

I get a call from Kyson just as Im walking through the doors.

"Where you at Millani?" Kyson sounds anxious making me lose my cool demeanor or at least the facade of it. My palms are moist from my nervousness and my stomach is doing back flips.

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