
1K 72 10

Rylee Kenni Sal

2am later that night

I watch Millani peacefully sleeping in my bed as I eat my Cheddars out my to go box.

Had someone told me some months back that a girl would come and change my life around, I would've laughed, like deadass lol'd. Contrary to the very visible love in my house with my parents, I've never been one to believe in love nor think I could ever find love for myself, especially not this young.

Although Millz and I may never become a couple, we know where we stand with each other. All I hope is that our connection isnt lost when we leave for college at the end of summer.

Millani starts stirring around in her sleep, feeling around the bed realizing I wasnt there. Chuckling to myself I put the now empty to go box down on my dresser and go sit on the edge of my bed.

It doesnt take long for her to crawl her way over to me, and wrap her arms around me from behind. She starts trailing kissing down my neck instantly making me start to get turned on.

"Millz." I warn grabbing her roaming hands but that doesnts stop her lips from exploring my body.

"Rylee please." Millani moans in my ear breaking me, once again shes about to get her way.

Standing up I turn around and climb on the bed on to her, my lips quickly latching onto hers. I could never get tired of kissing her.

"Dawg, I swear you trying make me have a baby." Laughing she pulls the covers over us as things start to heat up.


"Where is everyone?" Millani questions referring to the empty house, as we move around the den collecting art supplies. After fucking for a couple hours and falling back asleep we both up wake up feeling inspired so we came down here to create.

"They went to my grandparents, they should be home later today."

"How far do your grandparents stay?"

"Couple of hours." Nodding at my response she sit in a stool and start drawing whats ever on her mind as I do the same.

A comfortable silence grow upon us for a while, besides the music Millz has coming from her phone.

"I met my mom." Millani says breaking the silence, I stop my actions and look up at her nonchalant face.

"Thats good babe, how'd it go?"

Shrugging she continues drawing, "Shes cool, we havent discussed why she left and I honestly dont want to now."

"And why not?"

"Because I doubt the excuse is all that and it'll just make me not want to fuck with her anymore so I just wanna leave it in the past." Nodding I see where shes coming from but decide not to say anything to avoid causing problems.

Im happy she met her and things are cool and all but I feel like her moms owe her at least an explanation and apology. Her absence clearly took some what of a toll on Millz and now shes expected to be happy the lady showed back up 18 years later.

Of course I dont want her mad at the lady or nothing but I dont feel its fair that she has to walk around acting like its all peaches and cream now.

"And she also wants me to come spend time with her and her family over Christmas break in Oklahoma." She continues.

"Family?!" I ask, I can feel my lip curl up in anger at that word.

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