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Kyson & Cassius in mm 😍$$

Millani Mai Miller

"You mind going by my house, I need to get something?" I ask Rylee, all he does is shake his head. "Take a right at this light."

We cruise down the street listening to silence, I've never met someone who doesnt listen to music when they drive. Honestly its bothering me but I wont say anything because me and him arent cool like that.

Few minutes we pull up to my house and I take off my seat belt.

"You not coming in?" I question him.

"You gone take that long?" I could sense a attitude making me roll my eyes, I havent said much to him so what the fuck is his problem?

"I might." Instead of waiting for his answer I head up towards my front door hearing his car door slam close behind me.

I wait at the open door, watching him walk up to the door into the home I share with my father, stepmom and older brother.

"You want anything to drink?" Rylee shakes his head no in response. "Kay, just wait in there, I'll be back." I point to the living before sprinting up the stairs to my room.

My binder for Ms.Dawn's class is somewhere in here but I cant remember where I last had it.

After ten minutes of searching damn near everywhere in my room I hear a light knock on my open door. Turning around I see Rylee standing in the door frame.

"How much longer?" He asks looking around at my room. Everything is white and light pink with butterflies and flowers, hella girly I know, but its cute to me.

"I cant find my binder for Ms.Dawn's class." Looking at me his eyebrows scrunch up.

"Is it light purple?" I nod, wondering how he knew, smacking his lips he points behind him. "That shit downstairs, girl." Rylee walks away making me smack my own lips.

Duh Millani, I completely forgot I left it down there when I was doing homework. I tidy up my room a bit before turning off the light, closing the door and heading back down stairs.

Entering the living room I dont see Rylee nor my binder but I hear a car start up outside. Walking out the door I lock it behind me then go over to his car.

As I open the door I see my binder in the passenger's seat. How nice of him.

"Thanks." I say getting in and buckling up, all he did was nod his head then pull off once Im safely buckled in.

After another awkward silent drive we ended up at the public library.

"Aight so how do you wanna go about this?" Rylee asked once were seated at an empty table in the slightly empty library.

"Well since she told us to be creative and choose any way of presenting it, I was thinking we could make one painting that incorporates both love and hate." I suggest. Not many people know but Im pretty artistic and its something I really enjoying doing.

"That sound like a good idea." He shocks me by agreeing.

"Okay, so I'll be doing all the paintin-"

"Wait," He cuts me off, "Why do you get to do all the painting?"

I raise a brow in confusion. "You want to paint?"

"Yeah." He shrugs nonchalantly, I look at him strangely.

"You know how to paint?" Rylee's lips turn into a frown at my words.

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