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Nalah in mm $

Rylee Kenni Sal

I walk into my house after a long day at school, practice and work with a horrible headache. My mood is beyond awful and the fact that I have to endure another four more years of this shit, doesn't help.

"Rylee! Rylee!" Marli's little voice travels through the hall as she runs to me, her wild curly hair all over her head, instantly lifting my mood.

"Ugh." I playfully grunt as she jumps in my arms making her giggle. "What you been eating chunky monkey?"

"Im not heavy, silly!" She replies in her squeaky voice.

I chuckle, "I know." I attack her with a bunch of kisses all over her face, like our ma used to do me, as she erupts in laughter, my exhausting day disappeared.

I can always count on Marli to put a smile on my face.

"How was school today, kid?" We travel up the stairs to my bed room where I place her in my bed, so I can move around and put everything where its goes and start on my homework.

"It was okay, but this one boy name Jamal keep messin' with me." I quickly turn around to see a slight pout on her face.

"You want me to beat him up?" I ask, she instantly shakes her head no.

"No Ry, hes small!" She whines sadly, I wouldn't actually hurt the kid, now if they were a bit older that'd be a different story.

"You told your teacher?"

"Yup but she wont do anything."

"Ma, Pops?"

Marli quickly shakes her head no in a almost frightened sense. "Daddy will really hurt Jamal, please dont tell him Ry."

"Okay, okay I wont." She told me all that just to not want me to do anything? "Who's cooking tonight?" I change the subject so I wont upset her anymore, although I will have a few words with her teacher when I drop her off in the morning.

"We are!" Marli replies excitedly, aw shit I forgot it was our day to cook dinner. I didnt even grab anything on my way home so Im going to have to go to the store.

"I forgot, wanna ride to the store with me?" She didnt even answer me she just ran out my room so I know more than likely she was going to put on her shoes and tell our parents.

I chuckle and finish putting the rest of my stuff up before grabbing my keys and wallet, sticking them in my grey sweats. Turning off my light and closing my door behind me, I follow the voices down the stairs.

Walking into the living room I see Marli on our dads lap and my mom doing yoga in the middle of the floor. At least I think its yoga.

"Im about to head to the store, to get food for dinner." I speak getting their attention, Marli hops off my dads lap to come grab my hand.

"Okay, be safe." They both tell us before going back to what they were doing. With that we go to the garage over to my car taking the ten minute trip to the grocery store.


"Aight so whatchu trynna make?" I ask Marli, whos sitting in the basket Im pushing down the aisle.

"Chicken!" She replies cheerfully. I should've seen that coming, ever since she grew teeth shes been eating chicken.

I decided on cajun chicken pasta, both me and my sister's favorite, with garlic bread.

Venturing through the store for twenty more minutes we finally get all the things I need.

"Ooh, I want some juice Ry!" Marli says at the last minute just as I get in line.

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