
722 40 3

Rylee Kenni Sal

Christmas Morning

"Why you not up here with everyone else?" My Goddad Tay asks walking down the few steps into my art studio. I can hear the laughter of my family flowing from the living room, clearly all in the Christmas spirit.

"Im just chillin'." I reply monotone focusing on the drawing in front of me Im working on for my baby brother.

"I see that.." Theres a pause and I can feel him observing me to see whats wrong, something he learned from my mom. "How was yo trip?"

"It was cool." Theres another pause.

"Wassup man?"

Shrugging I still have yet to look up at him, "Nothing."

"Nah, something is up, c'mon man you know you can talk to me." Blowing out a breath I run my hand over my face.

As of lately I have had something on my mind, and thats Kj. For some reason I've been having dreams of bad shit happening to either him or me all leading back to him selling drugs. But I wasnt sure if I want to tell Tay that, hes cool and all but hes still an adult and I have a feeling hes going to tell my uncle King.

Looking up at his eyes I bite my lip, "You gotta promise you wont tell Uncle King." Tay nods his head signaling me to continue. "Kj started selling not too long ago and ever since I been getting this weird feeling in my gut like some shit is about to happen. Plus hes selling with a nigga I wouldnt even let know where I live." I explain calmly watching his face for any expression at all.

"Just Kj?" I can tell by the way he asks its hard to believe Im not selling too, after all we did practically grow up as partners in crime.


Just as hes about to open his mouth the clacking of heels against the steps catches our attention.

"Oh," Millani says surprised, "I didnt mean to interrupt anything."

"Nah, you good." Tay speaks up before she can turn around, standing from the stool he heads back up the steps leaving just Millz and I.

She eyes me weirdly before making her way over to me.

"How was christmas?" I ask before she can even asks whats wrong.

"It was cool, Nancy gave me a suitcase." She says giggling standing in between my legs.

I laugh, "She cant wait for you to be gone, huh?"

"Theres this party tonight, you wanna go?" Mill pauses before starting to speak again. "I was going to go with Nalah but she ended up getting a date."

"A date?" I ask confused, never thought Kj would be the type.

"Yeah, her and Kj arent together anymore." I sit quietly taking the new information in, usually I would be the first to hear something like that but ever since he started selling we aint been kicking it like we usually do.

"I guess." I know Kj doesnt know about this or he'd be raising hell right now.

"Okay, now for your gift," Her smile got really big making me scrunch my brows, "close your eyes." Doing as told I hold out my hands as well.

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