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Rylee in mm 😍

Rylee Kenni Sal

Through out the whole week my mind has only been focused on one thing and one thing only, Saturday. Im not usually as anxious for things so I dont understand why I am now.

Alright, I might have a little understanding.

Its just something about her, for sure her beauty, but it feels way deeper than that. Its something about her vibe that attracts me the most, I dont wanna say I like her but I may be crushing.

"Ma, cooking isnt necessary, we're just working on a project." I express watching my Ma speed around the kitchen with a huge belly making food.

After I told her I was having company that wasnt any of the people I usually hang with, she flipped. Calling my aunt, uncles, grandparents acting as if Im getting married or something.

"This is youre first girlfriend, Bug-"

"She isnt my girlfriend." I cut her off earning a glare. "Sorry."

"Mmm." She hums with an eye roll, continuing with what she was doing.

"Im home!"

"We're home!"

My dad and Marli came yelling into house, after being sent to the store by my mom. Thankfully they werent too excited about it as my ma, so I know at least they weren't going to embarrass me.

They walk into the kitchen with two bags each, I grab the two bags from Marli and sit them on the island, then I pick her up to place her on one of the stools.

My parents embrace each other in their usual lovey dovey manner making Marli and I fake gag. They stop to look over at us with slight smiles as we laugh.

The doorbell goes off gaining everyones attention.

"I'll get it!" My ma cheers happily, pushing my dad off her to run out the kitchen. I hurry behind her to make sure she doesnt say anything off the wall.

She unlocks and opens the door to reveal Millani standing there in comfortable yet presentable clothing and glasses, and yet shes still gorgeous. We catch eye contact her smiling so I give her a slight smirk.

"Hello Mrs.Sal." Millani breaks our eye contact to look over at my ma and hold her hand out.

"Hello..." My ma shakes her hand in awe, im sure at her beauty.


"Thats a beautiful name, come in come in."

Millani giggles, "Thank you." She steps into the house, and my ma quickly throws me a surprised look with a thumbs up. I smile shaking my head, I could tell her till Im blue in the face that me and Millani arent like that but she wouldn't listen.

After introducing her to my pops and Marli, I take her down to the basement where I have my art studio. My mom paints from time to time but she passed this space on to me once she realized how much I use it.

"This is cute." Millani speaks to me observing the space, I scrunch up my face as her choice of word.

"Cute?" I ask, closing the door and walking down the short set of steps over to where she stood in front of the wall where I have clear shelves stocked with supplies.

"Oh, let me not hurt your masculinity, its cool. Is that better Mr. Macho Man?" She looks up at me with a playful smirk.

"Chill out." We both chuckle then I lead her over to a table where I also create art.

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