Chapter 6

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Before you begin reading this, I want to point out a few things.

Firstly, this is the first chapter I have posted for a while. I keep meaning to update, but it just doesn't feel like my top priority at the moment, but I am going to try and get more chapters written so I can update as much as possible.

Secondly, I am well aware that this chapter is a little on the short side.  It is simply a filler chapter in some parts and also gives you all a little of what you wanted.

Anyway, enough of me rambling on, so enjoy this short filler chapter that will give you a bit of what you want but also make me promise myself to update more...

It had been two days since Vilu phoned, and all I had been able to think of was how bad she must have felt when I hung up the phone. She might not think this, but I still think about her all the time. I think about all we went through together, how much she grew in the space of two years, right before my eyes.

I just then realised that I had been biting my nails all this time, my nailbeds were in an awful state.

Gabi had long ago gone to bed which meant I could call Vilu if I wanted to, but it was more complicated than that. Almost every part of me was drawing my attention to the phone on the table before me, but there was still a part that didn't want to call. Not because I didn't love Vilu, but because it could lead to things between German and I. That would not be ideal.

My eyes darted between the phone and the floor as I battled with myself.

Should I phone her?

Should I not?

Nothing in my mind made sense. It was almost as if a mist had clouded my judgement and I was unable to see the consequences of my actions.

I picked up the phone and dialled the first number that came to mind. The only number I could recall. The only one that felt right.

After carefully entering the number, I lifted the phone up to my ear and listened to the rings.





Just like always, the person on the other end answered the phone after the fourth ring.


The deep voice on the other end of the phone was familiar yet also sounded like that of a stranger. There was a certain emptiness to it. Something I wasn't expecting when I dialled his number.

"Hi." I responded.

"This is quite a shock, I wasn't expecting to receive a call from you. In fact, I never expected to hear from you again. Since you moved, it was almost as if you dropped off the face of the Earth, no one has heard from you."

That made me feel bad. I didn't mean to completely isolate myself from my family, it just happened. Between trying to look after Gabi, trying to shield her from my past and just life in general, I had found it difficult to maintain contact with my friends and family in Argentina.

"Yeah, sorry about all that, things just got a bit busy over here."

I figured that would be an adequate response.

"Listen Angie, I need to talk to you about something. I don't know how to tell you this, I thought it would be difficult, but since you called, it makes this that little bit easier."

"What? Tell me!"

I was eager to know what he had to say.

Was it the same as what I longed to tell him.

Was it the news I needed to hear to move on?

"Angie, I need to tell you that..."

A voice interrupted him on the other end of the line and the phone went silent.

I waited a few seconds before speaking his name into the phone, but I got no response.


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