3. inclusions

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A/N: I don't really know what's happening here.

Enjoy ;)


C H A P T E R T H R E E : inclusions



"Do you want to?" I asked again, rubbing my thumb over his rib cage as I hugged him back.

He was silent, nuzzling his face into my chest.


"It's Livator." He emphasized, squeezing me tighter to him. Sighing into my shirt, his hands hold bunches of the fabric.

It's been like this for about half an hour. It wasn't boring, just...tedious. Holding him in my arms was magic but I knew it still hurt him slightly. Because of our shirts, he couldn't feel my skin against his, breaking the natural cure of a mate. "Want to go home?"

Unconsciously, he nodded, rubbing his face against me again. I smiled down at him, slowly letting him go. Livator frowned, trailing his hands around my sides to hold my shirt in his hands at my front. "W-why are you letting go?"

I kneeled in front of him, noticing his now shaking knees and shifted with my back to his legs. "Get on."

His arms crossed each other and he hmped in protest, "Why would I do that?"

Reaching back, I tapped his gentle knees, the knocking freezing at my touch. "Because you can barely stand in this heat."

In silence, he grabs my shoulders, climbing slowly into my back. A sigh leaves his mouth as I stand, relishing the feeling of his face against my neck. I squeeze his lower thighs in my hands as he crosses his legs around my center and holds my shoulders tightly. I can't help the smile on my face.

Waking towards my car, I noticed a group of kids leaning against the brick wall right around the corner. When I turn, I make a wide turn to try to get away from them because I really just want to be alone with my mate right now. To hold him without anyone looking.

But... "Livator?" One asks, his brown hair slick on his head. I notice him from our pack and lower my head, holding him close. Livator waves lazily, hugging me. I don't really think he realizes the position we are in in front of them. The heat must have been so bad, that relief is like a high because Livator had to be high to not realize who he's hugging.

He's hugging, clinging, to the most hated member of his pack. Someone who literally barely counts as a member.

Continuing walking, I notice them throw their cigarette butts to the ground and trek towards me. "Hey, freak, where are you taking our Livator?"

I practically growl aloud at their words and I feel Livators fingers dig into my shoulders.

Livator is mine.

I hold him tightly and continue on, hoping they don't follow us. But they do.

"Hey! Stop walking!" I just want... "What'd I say idiot?!" Instinctively I stop, my muscles tense. Not again, not with my mate right here. Please...

Another blond one, the closest to us, nods towards the body on my back, "Where are you taking the Alpha family member, peasant?"

I glance behind my shoulder at the furrowed eyebrow on Livators face before glancing at the boy, then stared at the ground. "We're talking to you!" He yells.

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