Chapter 4: Sweet Dreams

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"Mommy! Daddy! Can you guys tell me a story before I go to bed? Please!" A little girl about 8 years old asked her parents to tell her a story. "I don't know sweetie. You should really should go to bed." The girl's mother looked at her husband. "Oh honey, a story or two won't hurt." The girl's father smiled at his wife. She eventually smiled too. "Okay, fine. Which one would you like us to tell you, sweetie?" The mother asked her daughter.

"Hmm. Maybe Heracles? No, The Olympian Gods? I don't know. Do you know any stories you haven't told me before?" The girl questioned her parents. Her mother and father looked at each other and then looked back her. "Hmm, how about the angel hero?" Her father wondered. The girl's eyes shined with curiosity.

"Oh, yes. We've haven't told that one before." The mother exclaimed. "Can you tell me it? Please!" The girl begged. "Okay then." The father smiled at is daughter. "A long time ago, there was an angel who could not fly." The father began. "This angel lived in the peaceful land above the clouds were no mortal could see it, Skyworld." The father emphasized. "The monsters from the Underworld attacked Skyworld. They killed every angel in their sight or captured them and made them rot away in their cells in the Underworld." The father continued.

"Oh no! Why would they do that?" The girl gasped. "Well the monsters are evil, and were led by one of the goddess who ruled over Skyworld. Or she used to at least." The mother explained. "Who was it? Who! Who!" The girl asked, getting more and more excited with every word. "Medusa. She was the goddess of Darkness. She was once a beautiful woman, but was turned into a hideous monster. She had green ugly scales, snakes for hair, and one big red eye." The mother emphasized. "Eww. Wait, she was turned into a monster. How did she get turned into a monster?" The girl probed.

"She turned into a monster by the goddess she worked with while ruling over Skyworld, Palutena. Palutena was the goddess of Light." The father related. "But, if they worked together they must have been friends. Why would Palutena turn her into a monster?" The girl wondered. "Well you see, Medusa wasn't the best. Palutena and Medusa ruled over Skyworld together, but they also protected the humans. But Medusa hated humans. She would go to small humans villages on the Overworld and would make their crops die, destroy their homes, and would turn the humans into stone." Her father noted. The little girl gasped.

"Why would you do that? Wasn't she suppose to protect them?" The girl asked. "Medusa hated humans. She found them stupid. So for punishment for all the terrible things she did to the humans, Palutena turned her into what she saw in her heart, a monster. She then banished her to the Underworld, leaving the duty to Palutena to watch over the humans and Skyworld by herself." Her father explained. "Whoa. So she did good! But it sad that she had to do everything by herself." The girl frowned. "It was the only way. Palutena could rule with peace while Medusa was gone forever. Or so that what everyone thought." The mother denoted. "What happened? Did Medusa escape?" The girl guessed.

"She did. She made Underworld monsters her army and attacked Skyworld. She caught Palutena off guard, and in the end she took Skyworld, killed or captured every angel, and captured Palutena and trapped her inside her own temple." Her father continued. "Oh no. So Medusa won?" The girl murmured. "No she didn't. You see Palutena had one trick up her sleeve that Medusa didn't know of. The monsters killed every angel, and if they didn't, they locked them in a cell and killed them. But there was one angel left. A angel boy. The only angel who couldn't fly." The father explained. "Palutena used every last ounce of her magic to speak to the angel. She managed to break him out of his cell and give him a bow to arm himself." Her mother went on.

The girl's eyes twinkled with amazement. "Then the angel boy knew his mission. Get to Skyworld, defeat Medusa, and save Palutena." The father revealed. "But that mean he would have to climb all the way to Skyworld. He would have to climb through the Underworld, pass through the mountains and water of the Overworld, and jump through the clouds on the way to Skyworld. All while fighting Underworld monsters on the way." Her mother explained. "Whoa! He had to do that all by himself! That's amazing!" The girl beamed.

I Never Thought I Fall For You (Dark Pit x Reader) *Re-Writing*Where stories live. Discover now