Chapter 8

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Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I didn't update Friday like I said I would do! I went to my grandma's this weekend, and left right after school Friday, and my grandma's doesn't have wifi! So I couldn't do anything, and I got back late on Sunday! I hope you like this chapter! I DO NOT OWN KID ICARUS! I ONLY OWN THE IDEAS AND PLEASE DO NOT STEAL THEM!

*With Dark Pit*

Dark Pit, Pit, Viridi walked towards the school's entrance. While they walked towards the entrance, they got a lot of stares and whispers from kids. If you looked at Dark Pit's expression on his face, it looked like he was really bored that he would wrestle a bear for entertainment.

But in the inside he was so fucking scared.

He was really good at hiding his feelings, well except his anger. He always seemed like a very tough guy, ready to smash some skulls. But when he always got head into a battle, inside he was scared, scared of getting killed. He had that same feeling, but times 10 when he the Chaos Kin got him.

He opened the school's entrance door to see lots of teenagers running, talking, throwing things, or pushing each other so they could get somewhere. 'So this is what high school going to be like.' Dark Pit thought to himself. He sighed at the thought.

"Come on guys, we need to get to the office so we can get our schedules." Viridi told Pit and Dark Pit. "Okay, well where is it?" Pit asked Viridi. "I don't know." Viridi said to him. "I'll just ask somewhere it is." Dark Pit said to the two. He walked to someone and tapped their shoulder. The person turned around to reveal a boy about fifteen or sixteen, about an inch taller that Dark Pit, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Can I help you?" the boy asked. "Umm, me, my brother, and my sister need to find the office to get our schedules and stuff. We are new here." Dark Pit said the boy. "Oh, you go down this hall and turn left, and the second door on your left is the office." the boy said to Dark Pit. "Thank you..." "Kevin" "Thank you Kevin." "Your welcome."

Dark Pit walked away from Kevin and towards Pit and Viridi. "I know the way, follow me." Dark Pit said to Pit and Viridi. The three of them walked towards the office to get their schedules and locker numbers. "What do you think high school going to be like?" Pit asked Dark Pit and Viridi. "I think it's going to be dumb because all of the idiots that come here." Viridi said. "Well, what do you think it's going to be like Dark Pit?" Pit asked Dark Pit. Dark Pit looked at his lighter half.

"I think high school is going to be full of adventures." Dark Pit said.

*With (y/n)*

(y/n), Ashley, and Sam stepped out of Sam's car and looked at the school. "So we finally arrived at hell." (y/n) said to her friends. "It seems so." Sam said. "Let's just get this day over with, I'm so glad that the first day of school is on a Friday." Ashley said. "Come on, let's go." (y/n) said as she walked towards the school. Her friends followed her. (y/n) opened the door to see what she mostly sees, lots of teenagers doing normal teenage crap. "Hopefully we don't see Alice or Ken." Sam said.

"After today, sleepover at my place." (y/n) said suddenly. "YES!" Sam and Ashely said at the same time. Sam and Ashley loved to have sleepovers at (y/n), because her house was three stories high and they lots of food, do crazy fun crap, and other teenager things. "(y/n) remember that bet we made, about that boy you met at the clothes store." Ashley said to (y/n). (y/n) sighed. "Yes Ashley, I remember." (y/n) told her friend.

"What teachers do we have again?" Sam asked her friends. "I don't know, let's go get our schedules." (y/n) said. Then she was running. "(Y/N) WAIT UP!" Ashley yelled at her friend. "(Y/N) WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?" Sam yelled at her friend. "I JUST WANT TO GET SCHEDULES!" (y/n) shouted as she ran backwards. She turned around so she what was in front of her. But she accidently knocked into someone and fell on them.

(y/n) groaned then opened her eyes. Her eyes widened when she realized that she was on top of someone with a paper on their face. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you!" (y/n) apologized to the person. The person groaned then took the paper off his face. It turns out that person was Dark Pit. Her eyes widened even more. Then she got off of Dark Pit as quick as she could. "Wait, your that boy from the clothes store!" (y/n) said as she remembered the boy. He looked at her and his eyes widened.

 "Uh, hi?" Dark Pit said in a awkward way. Ashley and Sam helped (y/n) up while Pit helped get Dark Pit up. "You owe me twenty bucks (y/n)." Ashley said as she smirked at her friend. "Now is not a good time Ashley." Sam said to Ashley. "Uh, hi Dylan." (y/n) said as she waved a little. "You remembered my name." Dark Pit said. "Uh, yeah, I remembered." (y/n) said as she rubbed her neck. Then the bell ringed to signal that the school assembly was going to start. "(y/n) we need to get to the school's auditorium." Sam said as she started tugging on her friends hand.

"Oh yeah, we better get going." (y/n) said. "Uh, Dylan, do you and your friends want to come with us?" (y/n) said as she looked at Dark Pit. "Uh, sure." Dark Pit said as he walked towards (y/n). "Lead the way (y/n)." Dark Pit said. So (y/n), Dark Pit, Ashley, Sam, Pit, and Viridi headed towards the school's auditorium. They all sat together. "So, what are your friends names Dylan?" (y/n) asked.

"Oh, well the boy is my brother, his name is Percy, and the blonde hair girl is my sister Veronica." Dark Pit said to her. Pit and Viridi waved at (y/n) and her friends. "Care to introduce your friends to me?" Dark Pit said. "Oh, the girl with short brown hair is Samantha, but she likes to be called Sam, and the girl with tan skin is Ashley." (y/n) said. Sam and Ashley waved at Dark Pit. "So, what's this school like?" Dark Pit asked (y/n). "It's a good school, the teachers barley give us any homework, but their are always bullies." (y/n) said to him. "Well if any bully tried to mess with me, I would brake their nose." Dark Pit said as he cracked his knuckles.

"So after the assembly, can you and your friends show us to the classrooms?" Dark Pit asked (y/n). "Sure, it wouldn't be a problem." (y/n) said. "Okay everyone, sit down and listen to the announcements." the principal said.

Hopefully this will be a good day for the six of them.


I hoped you liked it! I'm sorry I didn't update last Friday! I DO NOT OWN KID ICARUS! I LOVE YOU ALL!

I Never Thought I Fall For You (Dark Pit x Reader) *Re-Writing*Where stories live. Discover now