Chapter 14

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Hello EVERYBODY!!! I'M BACK!!! I don't know how long I was gone, I know it's been awhile, BUT I AM BACK!!! Yes, the girl who stabbed me in the back is still bothering me, but my friends are there for me!!! Anyways, I got my inspiration back!!! Which means I will post today and on this Friday!!! YAY!!! I am also so really happy because of how many views this story has gotten!!! I am screaming in my mind!!! AHHHH!!!!! Sorry, been screaming whole lot lately...... ANYWAYS, on to this chapter!!!!! I hope you like it! I DO NOT OWN KID ICARUS OR ANY OF IT'S CHARACTERS! THE ONLY THINGS THAT BELONG TO ME ARE THE STORY IDEAS AND THE READER BELONGS TO YOU! I'M SORRY IF IT IS CRAPPY OR SHORT! ENJOY!


*Where the last chapter left off*

"I can see them on the other side of the lunchroom." Dark Pit said while peeking over the table that was their protection. "Okay, me and Ashley will stay here, Veronica and Percy will go the right of the lunchroom, and (Y/n) and Dylan ill go on the left side." Sam said. "Okay." everyone said, agreeing with Sam.

"LET'S DO THIS!" The gang yelled all at once together.

*Back to normal time*


  "RUN, NOW!!!" (Y/n) yelled to Pit and Viridi. Pit and Viridi dashed to the right side of the lunchroom and hid behind a table. Dark Pit and (Y/n) dashed to the left side of the lunchroom as fast as they could and hid by a table. "Okay, we managed not to get hit by food." Dark Pit said to (Y/n). (Y/n) nodded to him. "Yeah, but we still have to be careful, I want to get back at Alice for all the things that she has done to me and my friends." (Y/n) while smirking at Dark Pit. Dark Pit smirked back at her. "Okay then, grab some food and get ready to throw." Dark Pit said while grabbing some food off the ground. "Wait, if we just run right in the middle, then we will be pelted with food, and we can't go on the side because Alice's minions are protecting the sides." (Y/n) said while rubbing her chin. She tried to figure something out while looking around the lunchroom. Then (Y/n)'s eyes stopped on some trashcans. "I got it!" (Y/n) said.

 "Dylan, get some trashcan lids!" (Y/n) said Dark Pit. Dark Pit looked at her with a confused look on his face. "What the fuck are we going to do with trashcan lids?" Dark Pit said to (Y/n). "We are going to use them as shields." (Y/n) said to him. She turned around to see two trashcans behind her. She picked up both of the lids and tossed one to Dark Pit, and he caught it with ease. She then turned to see Ashley and Sam still hiding behind the table that they were behind before. " SAM, ASHLEY!" (Y/n) yelled to her best friends. Sam and Ashley turned their heads to look at her. "WHAT IS IT!?" Sam yelled to (Y/n). "GET THE TRASHCAN LIDS!" "WHY!?" "USE THEM AS SHEILDS!" Sam and Ashley did as they were told and grabbed the lids of the trashcans behind them.

 Dark Pit turned to Pit and Viridi, who was throwing food over the table that they were hiding behind. "PERCY!" Dark Pit yelled at Pit. Pit turned his head to look at Dark Pit. Dark Pit held up the trashcan lid like it was a shield and pointed at the trashcans near Pit and Viridi. Pit nodded and got the trashcan lids and handed one to Viridi. Viridi looked confused until Pit held the trashcan lid like a shield. She nodded at him and held the lid like a shield. (Y/n) smirked and then grabbed some food off the ground. (In mind) "I'm going to get back at you Alice for all of things that you have done to me and my friends. Get ready for my revenge." (Y/n) said inside her mind. "Come on!" (Y/n) said to Dark Pit. Dark Pit smirked while he lifted his trashcan lid and picked up some food.

 (Y/n) and Dark Pit ran into the middle of the lunchroom with their lids up and they threw food at random that were in their way. (Y/n) was thinking about all the things that Alice has done to her.

I Never Thought I Fall For You (Dark Pit x Reader) *Re-Writing*Where stories live. Discover now