Chapter 19

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Hey guys! HIATUS IS OVER! WOOHOO! But, July is over and it is August now. And school starts next Thursday for me, AND THEN BIRTHDAY IS ON A MONDAY! *Sobs in a corner* Well, anyways. That picture above is your house, okay. Here is chapter 19. I hope you guys like and it is not crappy and stuff. Enjoy!


*Third POV*

Well, after what happened during staircase riding, the whole gang decided to watch a movie in the living room.

"Okay, what movie do you guys want to watch?" You asked the gang. "Oh! How about Pitch Perfect!" Ashley said. "No, we have watched that so many times to the point where I remember every line from the movie." Sam said. "How about Forrest Gump?" Sam said. "No, WAY to sad." You said. "Hmm, how about The Breakfast Club?" You said. "What's The Breakfast Club?" Pit asked. You, Ashley, and Sam gasped at him.

"YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN THE BREAKFAST CLUB!?" Sam asked him. "No." Pit said. "I haven't seen it either." Viridi said. "Me either." Dark Pit said as well. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!" Ashley yelled at them. Pit, Dark Pit, and Viridi flinched at how loud she was. "OKAY, THAT'S IT! WE ARE WATCHING THIS MOVIE!" You said as you grabbed the dvd case. You opened the dvd case and took the dvd out, and put into the dvd player.

(If you don't know what The Breakfast Club is, it's an old eighties movie about five students who are very all different get Saturday detention. And if you have seen this movie, but you don't like it, I'm sorry)  

So all of guys started watching it. Since the couch couldn't fit six people on it Sam, Viridi, and Pit decided to put a bunch of pillows on the floor and sit there. You, Ashley, and Dark Pit sat on the couch. Ashley sat in between you and Dark Pit because she knew if you two sat next to each other, it would REALLY be awkward.

You guys were at the part were Bender fell through the ceiling.

"Why?" You asked her. "I'm thirsty, I'm gonna get some sweet tea from the kitchen, but I don't want to miss any of the movie." She said. "Okay, but hurry up." You said. "Okay." She said, and exited the living room. "HEY, ASHLEY!" Sam yelled. "WHAT SAM?!" Ashley yelled back. "GET ME SOME PEPSI AND SOME OF (Y/N)'S MOM'S CUPCAKES PLEASE!" Sam yelled. "OKAY!" Ashley yelled.

You guys waited for Ashley for about a couple of minutes. "What the hell is taking her so long?" Dark Pit said, very impatient. "I want to watch the rest of the movie." Pit said, very bored. "ASHLEY, WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING YOU SO LONG!?" Viridi yelled. "I CAN'T FIND THE DAMN CUPCAKES!" Ashley yelled. "WHAT MEAN YOU CAN'T FIND THEM!" You yelled. "I MEAN I CAN'T FIND THEM, WHAT HELL DO THINK I MEAN!" Ashley yelled. "Oh for the love of god." You mumbled.

You walked into the kitchen to see Ashley looking through the kitchen for some of your mom's cupcakes. Ashley saw you walk in the kitchen. "I can't find the cupcakes." Ashley said to you. "Okay, I'll find them Ashley." You said to her. You walked to the cabinet were your mom usually kept the sweets. You digged through the cabinet, but could not find the cupcakes. "Where in the hell are those cupcakes?" You whispered to yourself.

I Never Thought I Fall For You (Dark Pit x Reader) *Re-Writing*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon