Chapter 6: Getting Ready For Hell

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(Third POV)

*With (Y/n)*

(Y/n) was currently snoring in her bed. Her bedroom door opened and someone walked in. (Y/n) felt someone shaking her. "Huh? What?" (Y/n) yawned. "Time to get up, sweetie. It's your first day of sophomore year." (Y/n)'s mother told her. "Uh, no." (Y/n) groaned. "Come on. Don't argue with me when your half asleep." (Y/n)'s mother crossed her arms. (Y/n) sighed. "Fine. I'll get up." (Y/n)'s mom smiled. "In the next 1,000 years." (Y/n) pulled the sheets over her face to block out the sunlight.

(Y/n)'s mother then frowned at her daughter's childishness. Her mother grabbed the sheets and ripped them off of (Y/n). "Mooooom!" (Y/n) whined. "Hmm, I wonder how your father would react if I told him that you didn't go to school?" (Y/n)'s mother wondered, tapping her chin with finger. (Y/n) shot straight up out of bed. She looked at her mother with horrified eyes. "I'm up! Okay! I'm up! You win. But please Mom, if I'm late, don't tell dad!" (Y/n) pleaded. Her mother chuckled. "Well, if you don't want to be late, you better get ready now. You only have about 45 minutes before Sam and Ashleigh come and pick you up." (Y/n)'s mother pointed at her clock on her bed stand. (Y/n) looked at her clock and it read '6:53'. (Y/n) groaned again.

*With Dark Pit*

Dark Pit snored away in his bed. He was still in his human form. He was wearing a black tank top and black boxers. His bedroom door opened and someone got close to his bed. "Pittoo. Wake up." Pit shook him. Dark Pit grumbled and turned his back on him. Pit shook his shoulder harder to try to wake him up, but to no avail.

"Come on! I thought you wanted to experience what school is like Pittoo." Pit shook his shoulder again. Dark Pit shrugged Pit's hand off of his shoulder and put his pillow over his head. "Experiencing school can wait another 1,000 years." Dark Pit yawned. "He's not up yet?" Viridi asked Pit from Dark Pit's bedroom doorway. "No, he won't get up." Pit told her.

Viridi groaned. "I am not going to late to my first day of school because he was up too late, dreaming about that girl. Step aside, angelic dork. I'll get him up." Viridi walked up towards Dark Pit's bed. "PITTOO! GET YOUR ASS UP, NOW!" Viridi yelled. "No." Dark Pit sighed as he held the pillow closer to his head, trying to block out the voices. "I DON'T BELIEVE I WAS ASKING YOU! THAT'S AN ORDER! GET UP!" Viridi demanded. "And I don't give a shit." Dark Pit snuggled closer to his blankets.

Viridi huffed. She grabbed the blankets and ripped them off of him. Dark Pit groaned. "If you don't get up right now, I'm taking your bow and staff." Viridi threatened. Dark Pit sat straight up and glared at Viridi. "You wouldn't dare, woman." Dark Pit growled. "Oh good. Your up. Now get your ass up and get ready. Palutena said we only have 45 minutes until she takes us to school." Viridi told him, then waked out of the room, Pit following her. Dark Pit sighed and got out of his bed and walked towards his bathroom.

*With (Y/n)*

(Y/n) grabbed one of her school uniforms and laid it on her bed. She grabbed her phone off of her charger and walked into her bathroom and opened the shower curtains. She grabbed her phone and turn on her music. (Y/n) started bopping her head to the beat of the music while turning the shower knobs. Once the water was good for her, she started stripping. She then got in the shower the shower and closed the curtains. She started humming when the song got to her favorite part while shampooing her hair.

After about 15 minutes, she turned the knobs off and opened the shower curtains. She grabbed a towel and started drying her and body off. She wrapped the towel around her body and walked towards the sink. She grabbed her hairbrush and started brushing her hair. One of her favorite songs started playing and (Y/n) smiled. She stopped brushing her hair and hold her hairbrush to her mouth as if it were a microphone. She started singing and dancing around her bathroom.

I Never Thought I Fall For You (Dark Pit x Reader) *Re-Writing*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt