Chapter 15

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Hello everyone! Like I said in my last chapter, I'M UPDATING TODAY! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER!!! Sorry about that. Anyways, this chapter is supposed to be a little bit funny, and there is also a reference in here. So if you know that reference, YOU ARE MY FRIEND!!! Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. I DO NOT OWN KID ICARUS OR ANY OF IT'S CHARACTERS! THE ONLY THINGS I OWN ARE THE STORY IDEAS AND THE READER BELONGS TO YOU! I LOVE YOU ALL! Enjoy.


*Where the last chapter left off*

'That was the day I met Ashley and Sam, but also Alice.' (Y/n) said in her mind. She remembers that day clearly, and she will not forget it. 'Alice, I'm going to get revenge on you for all of the things that you have done to me and my friends.' (Y/n) said in her mind.

'I swear that I am gong to get revenge on you.'

*Back to normal time*


 "SHIT!" (Y/n) yelled as she almost got hit in the face with a bowl of soup. She would have got hit, but she raised her shield in time. "That was a fuckin close one." (Y/n) said as she was looking at the table that was halfway down the lunchroom. Behind it was Alice, Ken, Makenzie, and her minions. Alice's minions were throwing food at people who dared get near Alice's table. Apparently, one of Alice's minions saw you getting near her table and told her. Alice had a wicked smile and a evil look in her eye.  She was ordering her minions throw food at her if she got halfway through the lunchroom. "Dammit." Dark Pit muttered under his breath. He glared at the table that the whore king and queen.

 "(Y/n)!" Dark Pit yelled at the (h/c) female. She turned around to look at the black hair male. He nodded his head towards the table that Pit and Viridi where hiding behind. She nodded and the both ran to the table. Pit saw the two and waved his hand to signal to come over to where he is. Dark Pit and (Y/n) hid behind the table with Pit and Viridi. "We can't near that damn table!" Dark Pit hissed as he pointed in the direction that Alice's table. "Why not!?" Pit asked hid darker half. "She ordered her minions to throw food at anyone who gets near the table." (Y/n) said to them.

 Pit and Viridi nodded to know that they understood. "How the hell do we get over there without getting hit by food?" Viridi whispered to herself. They had to think of a plan fast if they wanted to get revenge on Alice for all of the things she has done. "God dammit, I can't think of anything!" Viridi harshly whispered to herself. They had to think about they were going to get rid of her minions. They protected they sides so no one could get through and hit Alice. (In Viridi's mind) 'Hmm, they are guarding the sides so no one can get through to Alice, but what if we went behind? That's it! We have to get someone behind so she can take down the henchmen, but we will need someone fast for that, but who is fast enough for that?' Viridi thought in her mind.

 "Guys, I have a plan." Viridi said to (Y/n), Pit, and Dark Pit. "And your plan is?" Dark Pit said in a impatient tone. "We have to get them from behind. We will need a couple of fast people to get behind and take down her minions, then we can get the bitch." Viridi said, (I bet you can guess who the bitch is😄. Back to the story.) while looking at the table. "But I don't know who will be able to be fast enough to get through without getting hit by food." Viridi said. "Viridi, that plan is really great!" Pit said. "Yeah, I know it dingle brain." Viridi said while rolling her eyes at the brunette boy. "Okay, let's go discuss it with Sam and Ashley." (Y/n) said while picking up her shield, ready to run. Pit, Dark Pit, and Viridi nodded as they picked up their shields, ready to run as well.

 "Let's go!" Dark Pit yelled. They then ran to the table that Sam and Ashley are at. Sam and Ashley saw them and waved at them. The four of them got behind the table with Sam and Ashley. "Glad to see that you guys aren't dead." Ashley said to them. "We are not going to get killed by food, Ashley." (Y/n) said in a sarcastic tone. Ashley sweatdropped and laughed embarrassingly, while rubbing the back of her neck. "I knew that." Ashley said. "Hmm, sure you did." Sam said to her. Ashley turned her to glare at her friend with freckles. "Anyways, Viridi came up with a plan to get near Alice." Dark Pit said to Sam and Ashley. "The plan is-" Viridi didn't get to finish her plan as the heard a scream. They all turned their heads to see who screamed. It was a girl with blonde hair and the ends were died orange, she also had electrifying blue eyes.

 (In (Y/n)'s mind) 'Wait, I've seen this girl before. She is that girl from Mrs. King's class!' (Y/n) screamed in her mind. 'Her name is Jane! She I going to get hit by food if we don't do something!' (Y/n) said in her mind, about to go get the girl, when all of a sudden Ashley got up and ran towards Jane. Ashley dropped her shield, knowing it would just slow her down. Jane was about to run behind a table when she tripped over something. Jane fell down on her stomach. Jane groaned as she laid on the floor. Jane didn't notice that a flying burrito was about to hit her. She turned her to see the burrito coming at her. Her eyes widened, knowing she wouldn't be able to dodge it. She closed her eyes, waiting to get hit by the burrito.

"NO!" someone yelled.

 It was all like slow moe. Before the burrito could hit Jane, Ashley jumped in front of it just in time for it to not hit Jane, but instead it hit her chest. Ashley fell on her back, and she held her hand where she just got hit with a burrito. "I've been shot... I'VE JUST BEEN SHOT!" Ashley yelled. "Ashley!" (Y/n) and Sam yelled while running over to Ashley and Jane. Jane looked Ashley in the eyes. "Why did you save me?" Jane said to Ashley. "Because I'm just good person." Ashley stated simply. "Ashley, are you alright!?" Sam said to her friend. "Yeah, I'm fine, but this stain is never going to come out!" Ashley complained. "You made a huge sacrifice." (Y/n) said. "You gave up a really good white shirt, just so you could protect me?" Jane said.

"Yeah... NOW I WANT TO KNOW WHO THE HELL THREW THAT FUCKING BURRITO! THIS STAIN IS NEVER GOING TO COME OUT, THANKS TO YOU! WHEN I FOUND THE BASTARD WHO DID THIS, THEY ARE SO GOING TO PAY!!!" Ashley yelled. 'Uh oh, Ashley is in super mad mode right now.' (Y/n) thought in her mind. "WELL, WHO DID THIS!" Ashley yelled. Everyone looked at Alice's table to look at Alice herself. She was smirking, knowing she made Ashley mad. "YOU ARE SO GOING TO PAY YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" Ashley yelled while running towards Alice's table, but instead she got held down by her two best friends. "LET ME GO!" Ashley yelled while thrashing around.

 Sam and (Y/n) carried her back to the table with Jane following behind them. "Don't worry Ashley, we will get revenge on her." (Y/n) said to Ashley, while Sam nodded. "Promise?" Ashley asked. "Promise." (Y/n) and Sam said at the same time. The three best friends knew that they would get revenge on Alice.

They made sure they will be victorious.


I hoped you liked it guys! Sorry if it is short or crappy. I tried my best to make it a little bit funny, and I hope you saw the reference I put in there. Anyways, thanks you all so much for reading. I LOVE YOU ALL!

Peace Out!✌✌✌

I Never Thought I Fall For You (Dark Pit x Reader) *Re-Writing*Where stories live. Discover now