Chapter 18

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*Rises out of coffin, again* "I'M STILL ALIVE!" I yelled. Then you see the entire cast in my story sweatdrop. "What?" I asked them. "Umm, check how many reads your story has." Viridi said to me. "Okay, whatever Viridi." I said. *Grabs laptop and gets on wattpad.* "Okay, now just get to works and-" I suddenly stopped to look at how many views my story got. My mouth wide open out of shock. "W-WHAT!?!?!" I yelled out in shock. Then I started to scream so loud that the entire cast had to cover their ears. Once I stopped screaming, they all put their hands down to look at me. "Umm, Marisa, are you okay." Pit asked me. Then I fainted. "Nope, she is not okay." Dark Pit said. Then I got right back up and yelled out "MY STORY HAS A THOUSAND VIEWS!" Yes, thanks to all of you my lovely readers, my story has a thousand views! Thank you all so much for reading my horrible, crappy, and shitty story! I really can't believe that people would read my story! Now you guys may be wondering why I haven't been updating. Well first I was actually sick for a week. After I got over my sickness, I had to got to one of my family reunions for a week. Then I heard that one of my best friends was going to Texas for a whole month, so I wouldn't be able to see her for the summer, so a couple days before she had to go, we had a sleep over. THEN, it was my other best friend's birthday party, so I went to her house. It may seem like I am making this up, but I am really not. So, yeah. I'm so very sorry! But here is the new chapter and I hope you like this chapter! I LOVE YOU ALL! Enjoy.


So after sorting it out with (Y/n)'s parents, Sam's parents, Ashley's mom, and Palutena, The friends all get to stay at (Y/n)'s house. Well (Y/n)'s father was hesitant about her guys friends staying over, especially Dark Pit. (Dark Pit: Hey, what is that supposed to mean. Me: Shut up!) But he eventually said yes and the gang get to stay at (Y/n)s house for the weekend. Now what the stupid author forgot to put in the first couple of chapters (Yes, there will be fourth-wall breaks. Come on, THIS IS KID ICARUS WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!) is that you the reader actually has a very nice, beautiful, big MANSION. Yes, you live in a mansion.

So what that meant is that your room is actually big for about, hmm, I don't know, ten or twelve people I world say. So that means you had enough room for all of the gang. So, after the Food War III, everyone went home went home to get all cleaned up and to pack their things. So after two hours after school ended, the gang was all at (Y/n)'s house, it turns out that they had the house all to their selves because (Y/n)'s father had to go back to work and her mother went to go hang out with some old friends. "So guys, we have the whole house to our selves. What kind of stupid shit do you want to do?" (Y/n) asked all of her friends.

Everyone just looked at each, having no idea what to do. "Fine, I will think of something." (Y/n) said. "Hmm, OH, I know what we can do." (Y/n) said. "But we need to get a couple things. Ashley, Percy, and Veronica. Get as many pillows as you can get. Sam, get me my two football helmets in my room. Dylan, come with me." (Y/n) ordered everyone.

Ashley, Pit, and Viridi ran all over the house, grabbing all the pillows they could find. Sam ran up to (Y/n)'s room to grab her football helmets that her father got her. Dark Pit followed (Y/n) down a hall. "What the hell are we doing?" Dark Pit asked (Y/n). "You'll see." (Y/n) said in a weird voice. "Okay...." Dark Pit said slowly. They kept walking down a hall until (Y/n) stopped in front of a door and opened it. She walked in and Dark Pit followed.

(Y/n) walked towards a very small bed and picked one end of the mattress up. "Umm, a little help here." (Y/n) said. Dark Pit walked towards the mattress and picked up the other end. Then they walked out of the room with the mattress near the staircase. When they were right near the staircase, they dropped the mattress. "Okay, we got all the stuff you asked for, what are we gonna do with it?" Pit asked (Y/n). "We are going to do staircase riding." (Y/n) said. "Staircase riding?" Viridi said. "What the hell is that." Dark Pit said. "Basically, two people will ride the mattress down the stair case while wearing a helmet for protection so if you fall your that you won't break your skull open." Sam said. 

"It is really fun. We have done it many times." Ashley said. "And your parents allow you guys to do this?" Dark Pit asked (Y/n). (Y/n) then rubbed her neck. "Umm, we actually only do it when they aren't home, if they knew that we do this when they are gone, they would most likely kill me." (Y/n) said to him. "So, which of you guys want to go first." Ashley asked Pit, Viridi, and Dark Pit. "I guess I'll go first." Pit said. "Two people have do it at the same time." Sam said. "Why?" Viridi asked. "It makes it more fun." (Y/n) said. "Okay I will also do with the idiot." Viridi said. "Hey!" Pit said. "Okay, let's get you guys geared up." Ashley said.

So Pit and Viridi  were football helmets. And now Pit, Viridi, Sam, and Ashley were at the top of the staircase, while (Y/n) and Dark Pit stand near the staircase. At the end of the bottom of the staircase was a bunch of pillows for something to break their fall. Pit and Viridi were on the mattress and Sam and Ashley were behind them, about to push the mattress down the very long staircase. "Are you guys ready?" Sam and Ashley asked them. Pit was on the front of the mattress gripping the edge while Viridi was behind him. "Ready!" They said. "Okay." Sam and Ashley said. Then they pushed the mattress and it started going down the staircase. Viridi screamed and then wrapped her arms around Pit's waist and Pit grabbed the edge of the mattress harder. Then when they got to the end of the staircase, they landed on the pile of pillows.

"That...was awesome." Was the only words that came out of Pit's mouth. "Gotta admit, that was pretty fun." Viridi said while taking the football helmet off. "We thought you guys would like it." Ashley said. "Uh, is Percy all right?" Sam asked while pointing at a dizzy Pit. "Yeah, the idiot is fine." Dark Pit said. "Umm are you sure?" (Y/n) said while her hand in front of Pit's face. "Don't worry I got it." Viridi said. She put her mouth right next to Pit's and yelled "WAKE UP DUMB ASS!" "AHH!" Pit screamed like a little girl. Everyone laughed at his girly scream while he blushed.

"Okay, who wants to go next?" Ashley said after she stopped laughing. "I'll go." (Y/n) said. "Dylan, you want to do it with me?" (Y/n) asked him. "I guess." Dark Pit said. So then (Y/n) an Dark Pit put on the football helmets. Dark Pit held the front of the mattress while (Y/n) sat behind him. Ashley and Sam were behind them, about to push the mattress down the staircase. "Ready?" Sam and Ashley said. "Yep!" (Y/n) said while doing a thumbs up. "Okay." They said and push the mattress. (Y/n) laughed and held on to Dark Pit's waist while he smiled. When they landed, something kind of happened.

You see, the pillows weren't the only things that broke your fall, a body did as well. And the thing is how you landed on the body and who it was. First the body you landed on was Dark Pit. And the really awkward thing is that your fell on top of him and your..... breasts were in his face. While you guys landed on the pillows he landed on his back and his helmet came off and then you landed on him. When everyone noticed this it got really quiet. Under your helmet you were blushing making you look like a tomato. "Umm, are you okay Dylan?" You asked after about twenty seconds of silence. "You really have some soft pillows." Dark Pit said while his face was still in your breasts. That made you blush even more. You then rolled off of him. You looked at him and he was blushing as well. You guys looked at each other, embarrassed about what just happened. While Ashley, Sam, Pit, and Viridi were still at the side, staring at you guys.

"Umm, thanks for breaking my fall Dylan." "No problem."


Well I hoped you guys liked this chapter, I was laughing the entire time I was writing this. And the weird thing is the song I was listening to while writing this. 'Where Did The Angels Go' by Papa Roach. Yea, well WHATEVER! Thank you guys so much for reading my story. I LOVE YOU ALL!

Peace Out!✌✌✌

I Never Thought I Fall For You (Dark Pit x Reader) *Re-Writing*Where stories live. Discover now