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Janet's P.O.V

Living in Miami is a great experience, I moved here when I was 13 from Jamaica. Btw my name is Janet Rene Williams, anyways like I was saying I moved her from Jamaica when I was 13 when my mom said we were moving here to the US I was pissed.


Janet's Mom- "Eh Janet come here!"

Me- "yea mommy?"

Janet's Mom- 'Meh business getting big in dem white people place, yuh know da US we gonna have to move dere"

Me- "mommy da not fair meh nah want fuh move dere, come out can we stay here pleaseeeeee"

Janet's Mom- "Dere no snow where we livin pickney so clam yuh self we still going"

*End of flashback*

I didn't want to move here in the first place even if there was no snow all meh friends back home dere, I had no choice so I packed my stuff and came here. I still have my accent which is good yuh know I haven't changed to much.

I now live alone, well I'm 21 I don't want to live with my parents the rest of meh life, anyways I'm the assistant manager of a fashion company, apparently my fashions were amazing and I take the job very seriously that's why I'm assistant manager they said.

Oh! I didn't even tell you what I look like...oops I'm about 5.9 I have long black curly hair (no weave) curvy body, big full lips, I'm dark but not like burnt dark and I got meh little accent yuh no, guys find it sexy.

Today was Saturday so I decided to treat myself and go out with meh bitches, Minnie and Latasha these two girls were my best friends Minnie is like a little Latino thug and Latasha from Queens she got some toughness in her too. So I called up Minnie

*Phone call*

Minnie- "HEYYYY"

Me- "HEY Minnie yuh want to have a girl night?"

Minnie- "Sure where and what time?"

Me- "Club Spice (fake club made it up) and I guess around 10

Minnie- "Iight Imma call Latasha and tell her, bye bitch see you later"

Me- "Bye"

*End of phone call*

I had nothing to wear even though I had a ton of clubbin clothes I wore dem all before so I decided to go to the mall and buy something new. I took a shower brushed my teeth put my hair in a tight ponytail slicking my hair back in the front, and put on some black skinny jeans and white blouse my white flats and black Gucci purse.

I walked out the house to see what the weather was like, it was nice out so I decided to walk. I remembered I had gotten a new neighbour so I went to go say welcome, I walked up to the door and meh new dey was rich cause this house was beyond expensive.

*Knock Knock*

???- "Hello, may I help you"

I couldn't believe it, are you kidding me my neighbour was... Chris Brown. I'm not some crazy fan its just...we went to school together and he had a huge crush on me.

Chris- "Ummmm...hello???

Me- "OH LAWD!" *cough cough* I mean I came to introduce myself I'm you're new neighbour Janet Williams". He started scratching his head

Chris- "Janet Williams, Janet Williams that name sounds so familiar"

Me- "I was you're 9th grade crush". I mumbled he didn't hear me since he was still thinking.

Chris- "....oh shit"

Like who da hell says oh shit to their new neighbour yuh know that is rude.

Chris- "I mean, HEY BABY GIRL! gimme a hug it's been so long"

He pulled me in for a hug and let me in his place. This place was nice Everything was so clean the whole place was like all the expensive things from the Leons catalog...put together.

Me- "Nice place"

Chris- "Thanks. Would you like anything to eat" he asked

Me- "Nah meh good thank you though"

Chris- "Can I say you look even sexier then you did in 9th grade" He said looking at me biting his lip

I smiled because he was like this with all girls he found attractive, he was the biggest flirt.

Me- "Yuh still fresh with the ladies aren't you??? Thank you though" I said laughing

Chris- "I only speak the truth baby girl"

Me- "Oh my Chris haha"

Chris- "And I see yuh still got yuh accent" He said laughing trying to do my awesome accent

Me- "I try and hide it but except when I go out guys find it sexy"

Chris- "I know I do"

I didn't know what to say so I pulled out my phone and checked the time.

Chris- "Hey can we exchange numbers at least?"

Me- "Sure, but I have to go to the mall and get something I'm going out with my friends later so I have to leave soon".

We gave eachother our phones and put in our numbers, he put his name under CrissyBoo, I put mine under JamaicanQueen. When we gave back our phones we both laughed a little

Me- "Well I gave to get going now" I stood up and gave him a hug

Chris- "Okay bye baby girl nice seeing you"

Me- "Nice seeing you too"

Chris- "Hey um maybe we can hang sometime?"

Me- "Sure"

He gave a me a hug, and I left and made my way to the mall.

I went to like 10 different stores looking for one dress to wear tonight. I finally went into one store and I found the perfect dress, it was silver and stop a little bit above the knees and strapless and was just amazing. I found some black open toed pumps to wear, I was gonna be looking good.

*Back Home*

I was back home and was just about to jump in the shower because it was already pass 6 and I take forever to get ready, but then I got a text from...Chris

ChrissyBoo- Hey what's up shawty you good @6:20

Me- I'm good...but Chris can you not call me shawty @6:21

ChrissyBoo- Sorry man just re-living those old memories @6:22

He always used to call me that when we went to school together

Me- It's okay but I gtg ttyl I gotta get ready byee

ChrissyBoo- Okay Bye <3

This nigga already coming on to me and we only seen each other for like 10 or 15 minutes. It's like we in middle school again.

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