A Month!?

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I couldn't breath I was being asked to desgin for a real fashion desginer, she was new but people did know her apprently I just didn't, "I would love to it would be like a fall and winter collection I'm guessing" I told her with a huge smile on my face, "yes it would, the show will be in New York you would have to be there for about a month is that okay"

My smiled kind of changed because Chris needa to do his things down here and I will be away for a month and who knows what would happen in that month, I had to think about this but then again its only a month and this could help me to start my own company. "I will have to get back to you on that if you don't mind ma'am but I will put deep thought into this, thank you so much for your positive feed back" her face changed to a very serious expression, "I understand I will give you my card and tell me by the end of next week what you wll be choosing, and you are more then welcome"

We shook hands and she walked out, as soon as she left Chris and the others ran back in, "WHAT HAPPEN? WHAT SHE SAY? DID SHE LIKE IT?" they were asking so manny questions and I was getting annoyed, "SHUT THE HELL UP NAH AND LET MEH EXPLAIN!" they all shut their mouths. I told them everything except for the part when she talked about me and the fashion show I wanted to talk to Chris about that first.

"Whoa that's great I'm proud of you Janet" Ty said"Thanks Ty and I gave him a hug "Here I got you something J" Bow handed me a card, I opended it there was a $500 dollar card to any store at the mall, "Oh my gosh Bow you didn't have to do this thank you" I gave him a hug, "No problem sista".

"Baby turn around" Chris said to me "Lift you hair up" I did as told. I felt him put a neckalace around my neck it had lil diamonds in the chain and had my name in handwriting on it. "Oh.My.Gosh Chris thank you so much I love it it's beautiful" I got up gave him a hug and kiss. "You deserved it baby". Ty, Minnie and Latasha were all smiling and next thing you know they pull out cards and Ty pulled out a box. "You guys didn't have to get me anything I feel so loved" I laughed a lil.

Ty got me a charm bracelet with all of our first intials and and infinity sign on it, "aw thank you Ty" I smiled "it was nothin" and Minnie got me a gift card to the best spa in Miami and Latasha also got me a gift card to 10 free medicures perdicures at the best nail salon. I gave them all hugs and we got ready and left. Everyone just went straight home.

"Chris thank you so much for supporting me tonight" I gave him a kiss, "I will do anything for you baby now lets go in the house" I got on so pjs ate some left over pizza brushed my teeth and cuddled with Chris in bed at my place.

"Um Chris what would you do if I went to New York for a month?" he turned down the T.V and looked at me, "huh?" he said with a confused face. "Thes desginer that came in asked me to do desgining for her next show and its in New York and I have to go there for a month" he looked away and then spoke "whatever you wanna do" then he turned the T.V back up, so I turned it back down.

"Chris honestly what are you thinking?"

"I said whatever you wanna do its you life do what you want" he moved over and was no longer holding me.

"Would you stop being so difficult and tell me if you would be okay with that?"

"Ain't nobody being difficult I don't care what you do alright"

"You know you don't have to be so rude about it!" I semi-yelled

"Why you rasing your voie for?" Chris asked me like I was a lil kid.

"Because yuh bein stupid"

"Okay, this is what I think...I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO IT'S YOUR LIFE!" he yelled getting up from the bed and going in the washroom locking the door. "CHRIS GET OUT NOW, AND TALK LIKE AN ADULT YOU ACTING LIKE A CHILD!" I yelled at him.


"Okay Chris look, I'm sorry for being so nosey, I don't know how I was, I just want to know that you will be loyal to me while I'm in NY for the month and I wanna know if you would be mad at me for going?" He opened that door. "What you don't think I wouldn't be loyal to you?" I didn't know what to say because with noodles and even RiRi around anything could happen.

"Chris I'm just confused okay I do trust you, bitches can be so sneaky now a days and I don't anything happening, to make up breakup"

"I love you with all my heart Janet I wouldn't want to hurt you, if you leave for the month I would be fine I would just miss you like crazy I wouldn't let anyone get between you and I, I'm happy for you" he kissed my forehead "I love you Chris"

"I love you too Janet" he told me we hugged for about 5 minutes his embrace was so warm, "when will you be leaving" he asked me coming out the hug and sitting down. "In November its far from now so we have enough time together baby its only going into August now" I smiled so did her "alright, just don't do nothing sneaky when you dere either" he told me I just laughed "hey I'm serious Janet"

"Baby I know you are"

"Good, now get in bed and lets watch a movie"

"You ain't the boss of me"

He laughed "sorry, baby if you come in bed we can watch a movie, hows that?"

"Better" I smiled and we watched Juice. I'm happy that Chris didn't tell me I can't go and that he's happy for me, I just don't want noodles or Rihanna to do anything while I'm gone. Hopefully they don't find out. Half into the movie Chris doozed off and was sleeping on my lap, my phone started to ring and it was on the dresser so I put his head on the pillow and got it.


*Chucking* "You thought you could actually to that to me at the beach?"

I knew that it was Drake. I just sighed.

"How the hell did you get my number?, and why are you calling so much later from that friggin day?"

"I have my ways alright"

I laughed "look leave me alone"

"I know you still love me Janet"

"What the fuck you ugly ass nigga I love Chris not you we haven't talked since the 10th damn grade and you tell me you bullshit about ME loving your ass"

"Why you with him huh?, he's desperate he ain't shit compared to me and you know that"

"Drake I am ending this call never call me again alright"

And I hung and got back in bed, this nigga think he can go and say I still love his stupid ass get a life, I went to bed thinking about what could happen in a month tho. I was scared.


Sorry haven't updated, I know I have mistakes and sorry if I do lol, anyways tell me what you think thank you to all my readers :)

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Byeeeee wait for the next chapter ;)

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