Is This Love?

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Chris P.O.V

I don't understand why Janet was so pissed off when she was the one who was asking for it. She stormed off into the washroom so I followed her but she slammed the door in face.I walked in and she was looking in the mirror trying to fix her hair.

"Are you mad at me" I said pouting

"Yea you bitch I just got my hair done and now I have no extra clothes"

"Don't be callin me a bitch, sorry about your hair and I will lend you a t-shirt and shorts iight" I was getting annoyed that she was being so rude and shady.

"I don't care I'm still mad" She said getting all up in my space, so I grabbed her by the waist and sat her on the counter. "Come on you can't stay mad at me" she started to smile, "I was never mad I just wanted to mess with yuh head" she started to laugh at me. She looks so pretty when she laughs

"why you so damn beautiful for?" 

"I don't know genetics, why are you such a flirt?"

"Oh stop it, it's nothing"

She laughed "you so stupid"

Then we were just staring at each other then she put her arms around my neck and brought me closer and she surprisingly kissed me! and I was all for it so I let her continue. I slipped my tongue and she started to smile.

She then pulled back "what happen?"

"Chris I have said I wanna wait till we yuh know commit to each other but today showed me a lot about your character"

"So what are you saying?" I was confused "if I'm correct you sayin you wanna be my girl". She then started to blush

"Yes Chris, yes I wanna be yuh girl" I was smiling like crazy I have always like this girl and finally we get to be a couple. She jumped into my arms and I hugged her tightly, by no we were both basically dry so we went to my room to get extra clothes everybody was in the kitchen eating pizza.

"Here take these" I threw her some shorts and a mechanical dummy vest she pulled them on.

"Thanks a lot, now can we eat I'm hungry" She said while wrapping her arms around my neck, and I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer. "Not until yo man gets a kiss" she kissed me and we went downstairs.

"What the fuck took you guys so damn long in the washroom" Ty said eating a slice of pizza.

"Well we had to dry off and we were talking a bit" I grabbed Janet by the waist in front of them trying to give them a hint of what I was intending.

"Oh, my girl finally got her man" Latasha said making us all laugh. So to top it off I kissed her and it was pretty long.

"Oh hell nah I'm eating bro" Bow said. So we stopped and got a slice of pizza.

The rest of the night we all just chilled till it was about 11 Latasha, Minnie, Ty and Bow all went home. "Iight bye guys talk to all ya'll tomorrow" I said as they all left. Me and Janet just cuddled with each other on my bed watching T.V, she was starting to fall asleep but then she jumped up from the bed.

"SHIT I wanna stay but I have work tomorrow" I didn't want her to leave though.

"How about you get what you need from home and I'll take you to work in the morning"

"Alright come with me and Imma get what I need, thanks"

So we got up and walked over to her place and she took like 20 minutes to get whatever she needed.

"Damn what takin you so long babe!" I yelled from downstairs

"I needa find something to wear for tomorrow gimmie about 10 more minutes"

I decided to make myself comfortable till she came down, when she came down she had this big ass duffle bag. I will never understand girls.

"Okay let's go" she said coming down the stairs.

We went back over to my place and went straight to my room we were so tired so we just cuddled up and feel to sleep together. This felt so right I feel something when I'm with Janet she makes me have such a great feeling that I can't describe. I want to be the pillow she falls asleep on, I want to make her smile everyday. And I don't just like her but I think....I love her.


Well there's he next chapter for you guys hope you like it sorry it's short hopefully I'll be able to update the next chapter. :)

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