A Good or a Bad day?

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"Seoyeon-ah! Faster wake up or else you will be late for school!" my eomma said as she open the curtains in my room.

"Eomma, it is only 6am in the morn..." I stopped what I was going to say and jumped out of bed when I saw the time on my alarm clock : 7am. Gosh! I remember setting the alarm clock last night! I must really change a new one and furthermore today is the first day of school! I'm so gonna kill you if I get a scolding today alarm clock!

After changing into my uniform, I took my bag and my headphones and rush down to the kitchen before taking a quick bite of the sandwich my eomma had prepared. The sandwich had honey baked ham,lettuce and cheese inside.

"Bye eomma!" I shouted as I ran out of the house. And of course my oppa had left the house earlier than me as he had a schedule and my appa did not came home last night. You know the reason why.

I was about to play my music when I saw the bus number 154 heading towards the bus stop. Without a second thought, I started dashing towards the bus stop.

"Ow!" I shouted as I fell onto the ground.

"Are you okay? I'm very sorry." A guy wearing the same uniform asked me before offering to help.

"Damn it! I just missed the bus! I guess I have to run to school..." I whined as I stood up.

"Are you going to the same school as me? Maybe I can take you there."

Now I am sitting at the back of the car feeling awkward beside the guy whom I had just met.

"Um...Hi! I'm Kim Woo Seok. You can call me Wooshin. I'm sorry about just now. You are not hurt anywhere right?" he asked me, breaking the silence.

"H...Hi... I'm S...Seoyeon. Kim... Seoyeon. And I'm not h...hurt anywhere. T...Thank you." I stammered. I really hope he don't realize that I am feeling nervous right now. Wait. Why am I nervous? Is it because he is the first guy whom I talk to since my accident? I guess so...

When we reached the school gate, I quickly thanked Wooshin and the driver before quickly getting out of the car. Luckily I was only almost late by one minute. Or else the alarm clock will die in my hands once I get home.

Bits of perspiration trickled down my spine as I knock on the door of my classroom and turned the knob. All eyes were on me as I slowly made my way into the class. I really really hate to be in the center of attention!

"You must be the new student. I am their teacher Mr Nam. Introduce yourself to the class please."the teacher said.

" Annyeonghaseyo. Jeoneun KimSeoyeon imnida. Cheoeum boepgesseumnida. (Hello, my name is Kim Seoyeon. Nice to meet you!)" I greeted.

Just then, the door swung open and ten boys walked into the classroom. One of the boy among them was Wooshin. "Mr Nam! Sorry for being late!" one boy apologised. "Is that a new student, Mr Nam?" another boy asked. It then dawned on me that the girls in the class had started squealing since the boys had entered are they that popular? And do I have to tolerate all these squealing until I graduate? Oh no! I think I just walked into hell world! Or maybe not......


Yay! I finished another chapter! Hope you guys liked it! Firstly, I have finished my PSLE and now I am a free soul! Maybe not a free soul. But I can enjoy the rest of the year until I go into Secondary school! Secondly, tomorrow I am having a Childrens' Day party in school! Happy Childrens' Day to all the children around the world! Lastly, I want to thank the person who voted for my first chapter.

I hope the rest of you can vote and comment my story! Hope you guys have enjoyed it! Bye!


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