Not An Update

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Hi! There is one bad news and one good news. We should hear the good news first...Right?

So the good news is...DRUMROLLS PLEASE! I will not be deleting this story! I wrote like a few stories like last year and thought those readers didn't like it... So I just deleted it. But this time I asked your permission and wow, I got two comments (I do not know whether I will get more), telling me not to delete this story. I am so thankful for you guys. Saranghae! And I know I am not popular, but yeah, I am going to do a shout out for those who supported me!

1. Jazmina_Syahidah

2. emmAmalina

3. Mishmash123

4. Jungkookie_Army

5. LalounySypaseuth

6. Shannon_howes24

7. snsd4ever_kwonyuri

That's the end of it. I hope I've got no one's name wrong... And can you believe it, my composition in school I always get so low scores but over here, people found my story nice! I am so happy! Thanks for your support! Next, the bad new....

The bad news is : I will not be updating today... I forgot to tell you guys that I was going to go to my friend's house to do project today. I can't believe my chinese still ask us to do project even when exam is over!! Anyway, I had so much fun in school today, we were learning dance moves to "What makes you beautiful" by One Direction for our graduation night with crazy instructors! And I also can't believe Infinite is having their concert in Singapore during my Graduation night.... Anyway, that's all for now. Love ya! Bye!


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