Chapter 7

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[Tigerstripe's POV]

I decided to take a small nap from the day. I had began to get really tired and I needed a rest. I went to my den. I then headed to the back toward my nest so I could go to sleep. I wasn't in the center but I wasn't on the outside completely either. I found my nest easily and fell down on it going to sleep quickly.

Next thing I know I'm awake in a dark place. I didn't know what was happening. I tried to get up but it felt like there was that bear thing on my back. I tried to just move and I couldn't. I looked around trying to figure out where I was. It was dark and it was a forest. I only had one guess on where I was. I was in the Dark Forest. It was pretty easy to guess after looking around for a few second.

"Why am I here?" I hissed into the darkness. I had never been here before and I didn't want to be here. If I remember what Metalclaw told me right, I had to have someone summon me there if I didn't want to go there. I was even more scared. What did they need from me?

"For a plan." A deep voice boomed out from the dark forest. It make a chill go over my fur. I shivered and shook my fur to the best of my ability with the weight pushing down on me. I didn't even care what he said at that second. I was just trying to get out.

"Let me leave!" I hissed in furry. I needed to get back to my family. I kept struggling under the weight but the only sound I heard was a chuckle that sounded more crazy then nice.

"You are never going to leave!" The voice boomed again. Then a black cat with many scratches on him all over. He had red eyes that looked like they could kill anyone. I tried to creep back because I was scared but once again I couldn't move at all.

"I need to get back!" I hissed more scared then anything. My hiss wasn't scary, it was scared. The chuckle came back and I flattened my ears. I hated that sound now.

"There will be nothing to go back to soon." The black cat chuckled. At least I knew what was making the chuckle now. I hated it even more now since that cat was making it.

"What about my family? My family would never leave!" I insisted. Even if they ran away they would find a way to find me and I knew that. Family had to stick together and that's what we did. No matter how big our family got we would always stay together no matter what.

"They will be the last I kill. Even that pathetic sister of yours. What's her name? Was it Flamefur?" He chuckled. Once he said Flamefur that was the last straw. I kept thrashing around determined to get out now. He was not going to kill any of my family if I had a say. All I had to do was be able to move and I could warn them.


I'm just going to say it. warri0rslove gave me the idea for this. So thank you!!! I hope you didn't mind me taking the idea. I really liked it. Well I hope the rest of you liked this chapter. Who do you think it is that took him?

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