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The next book is out. As I am making this I don't know the name yet. It will have (BOOK 4) at the end anyways. It will also be in my one reading list that says 'warrior cats (depthclan)' so go look it up and read it! I hope you like it all. Well I have finally started to do it. It's called 'Warriors: A Tiny Shadow (BOOK 4)' and I'm already on chapter four when I'm writing this. It seems to me that I also forgot to do that acknowledgments in this so it will be on here. Let's get started.

skystxr oh how much I love your books. I think yours was really the main reason I even made mine. You vote for every chapter even if you don't comment. I love that. You have been there for all of my books I think. I think if I keep going the speed in writing in going to catch you on the books. Thanks again for reading these books and I hope you read the next one. I will always read yours.

Spokenwrites you are the heart of these books. Without you Depthclan, Spokenstar, Bloodtear, or many other cats wouldn't exist. This series might not even exist. I am so glad that you had your clan on Instagram. I'm also glad that I got to be part of it! I hope you get a new iPod soon and are able to keep going with Depthclan so I have more to write about! I can't wait till Tigrisstar. I bet she will be an amazing leader.

@jshin17 well, for some reason it wouldn't let me actually tag you. I know you will still see this. It's been great to have you along. I never even told you about this and you found it on your own. I hope you really keep reading and thanks for all of the kit names! I have used them all in the next book 😂😂😂I needed them though.

iFluffyPuppy you are a new reader again. You found this on your own (that I know of) and I'm glad you did. I hope you enjoyed this book and enjoy the next book just as much. It's always great to have new readers.

Now, to the rest of you that read this and haven't voted or anything so I didn't know about you. Thank you for actually reading. If I can just ask for this one chapter or part that you comment so I know about you? That would be amazing! I would love to know all of you.

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