Chapter 6

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"That is so sweet of him..." he is really sweet I think as I fill the only vase in the room with the flowers. He feels sorry we didn't go scuba diving today. Very thoughtful, indeed.

"Sweet?" Liz questions.

"That is not bloody sweet, the real world that is called flirting...sweet my ass" she continues and sits on the bed, leans back and supports herself on her elbows. She acts as if what she just said makes perfect sense.

"He is just being polite Liz, he wants us to use the vouchers because in a way it was his fault we didn't get to go today...stop the nonsense immediately please" I say a bit hurt that she always makes fun of situations or takes everything the wrong way.

"If that is the case why wasn't my name on the envelope ha?" she points out.

"I don't know Liz...maybe because I am the head of the group...I am the representative of...I don't know because I was with Liam and it was me who called you to help him?" I am frustrated by now. Such a nice gesture ruined by Liz's innuendos...not everybody has an agenda.

"OK Ashley...take it how you want but I call it like it is...whatever" she switches on the TV and I resume my work on my laptop. After a few minutes I realize I haven't thanked Harry and that is so rude.

"Liz can you give me Harry's number please?" I ask and she just throws the phone at the edge of the bed so I can reach it, her eyes not leaving the screen.

"Thanks...same password?" she nods and I find Harry's name in no time.

I take my phone and type quickly.

Hey Harry! This is Ashley. Thank you for the flowers and the vouchers. That was so thoughtful and polite of you. Thank you so much again!

Before I can read the first sentence of the article that is on my computer I receive a reply.

Hi Ashley! I'm glad you liked them. Soooooo...

I smile and answer back.

A: soooooo what?

H:what time should we meet tomorrow?


H: For the diving thing

A: Oh that. Tenish?

H: You thought you would go alone with Elizabeth...didn't you?

A: Yes... hahahahahaha

H. NOT A CHANCE!!! See you tom at ten at the Splash Ash ...see that rhymes.

Ash? Nobody can accuse Harry of being snobby or arrogant. The boy is very sweet.

"So it seems that tomorrow we are going scuba diving with the boys ten. The function is held in the afternoon so we have morning and evening free" I remark.

"I figured as much from the note Ashley" she is still watching.

"You did? Oh!"

"Course I did. He wouldn't miss it!" she decides to look at me and smirks and I fight a smile but in vain. I need to focus If I want people to pay attention tomorrow...


The next morning we are met by just Niall and Harry at the Splash. Liz has managed to control her drooling. The truth is Niall didn't look very built in his T-shirt the previous day but he is very handsome as well. Harry is a different story, though. He is effortlessly beautiful. His hair is tied back and this do suits him I guess. He is wearing white trunks and Raybans just like mine.

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