Chapter 17

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To say I was dreading the first day in class is an understatement. I think I might have changed my outfit three times being afraid that I didn't look professional enough or that gave the wrong impression resulting to a plain pair of dark jeans and a white shirt combined with a vest and a scarf. I had never really thought that much about outfits but then again I had never had him in my class as a student. Anzee was overexcited about it but I told her that I wouldn't be able to talk about him as it was against the rules. She pouted a bit but then she was fine.

Entering the class as I had hundreds of times before didn't feel natural in the least. There was a weight in my stomach and a feeling of uneasiness that I had to battle. I was just a few minutes early not wanting to have to deal with the awkwardness but as they say, you can run but you can't hide although being an ostrich dipping your head in the sand pretending that nobody could see you felt so appealing at the moment.

I put my things on the desk and took off my heavy jacket. Unable to control myself I lifted my head scanning the room and there he was green eyes staring back at me sitting at the front. I immediately removed my gaze from him but not before I caught the smirk that instantly decorated his face. I went behind the desk and took some papers out of my bag and placed them on the desk and returned for my glasses. I sighed when I realized that it was time. I closed my eyes briefly, took a big breath and went to the front of the desk and leaned on it to support myself facing the students, crossed my legs, started rubbing my hands and that was as every decent psychologist would call another sign of anxiety.

"We have gathered quite the number from what I can see. There are a hundred people in this auditorium. One hundred registrations for this class! We have reached a new record." I said addressing the audience who was quieting down.

"I understand that you had to sign an NDA as a certain person in the room today is a member of a tiny little group unknown to most of us" I continued trying to humor and also to refer to the elephant in the room. There was a chuckle and I walked over at Harry trying to seem as natural as I could.

"Harry welcome to our class, to our university...I am sure the students will treat you with the respect you deserve and if they don't...well let's say you have good lawyers" I said jokingly before everybody including the green-eyed boy erupted into laughter. I tried to keep the mood light and I think I succeeded.

"Thank you Mrs. Cameron for accepting me in your class" he replied in a humble manner that I appreciated.

"You are welcome Mr. Styles" I told him and then looked around at the rest of the class.

"I want to assure you that there will be no special treatment for anyone regardless of their status. You do the work you get the credit, you don't and you face the consequences. However I want you to treat him fairly and make his life here at least tolerable" I stated in a serious tone making sure that everybody knew that I wasn't going to treat Harry with privilege but I wouldn't allow them to give him a hard time either.

"Mrs. Cameron...May I?" Harry interrupted and I nodded giving him permission to talk to his peers.

"I wouldn't want it any other way Mrs. Cameron. I will do the work like everybody else and I want to thank each and everyone in advance for giving me the chance to experience this."

"We want free tickets!" a guy at the back shouted earning more laughs as I gestured for everybody to sit down feeling that what Harry just did was very honorable. I felt proud of him in a way for wanting to be like all the others and wanting to inform them that he had no intention of slacking.

"With that being said we need to move on guys" I said in an attempt to resume my class.

"Please pass these handouts" I asked the girl in the front and she did so with no complains but a huge grin on her face.

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