Ch. 25 "Go Ahead, Be Gone"

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Have you ever felt so stupid that you were sure you were the biggest idiot in the world? Yeah, that’s me times 1000.

Why have I never even thought once how this has affected Aria? Sure, I’ve tried at being understanding, even pitying her at times. But this, I never thought to see how her past changed her personality or how it had affected her future.

I didn’t listen to Brooklyn with Aria’s wishes that I go and get the guys, what I did though was immediately go into Aria’s room.

Yep, that’s pretty much where the plans stopped.

She looked tired, but also looked better in a way. She seemed like she just wanted to sleep, nothing more than for me to get everyone to talk to her. I cross the room and sit at the end of her bed, bouncing her feet a bit.

“Hi,” She says.

“Hi,” I say.

We just stare at each other for a few seconds, not saying anything. Eventually, her hand comes over and grabs mine, squeezing it and I squeeze back.

We don’t say anything, we just hold hands and I stare at them for the longest of times.

I look up again and see Aria staring at me. There was a smirk on her face reminding me of innocence and how things used to be so black and white. How had she become so beautiful? When did she get that freckle on her lip? How had her black hair curl without her trying? How can her eyes see right through me?

All these questions flash by in a second. She must be thinking of questions too.

But we don’t say anything.

We just sit there, staring.


I turn up the radio to the car as Harry sings along. The biggest smile was spread on my face. It was like I was toast and my smile was my butter, it was that huge.

Harry’s singing was definitely off-key, but he was doing it on purpose, trying to make my already huge smile wider.

“I’m bringing sexy backkk! Yeah! Them other boys don’t know how to act. Yeah!” He’s moving his hands in movements that seems like he’s serenading me. I’m looking away from him, shaking my head. “Dirty babeee…You see these shackles? Baby I'm your slaveeee…I'll let you whip me if I misbehaveee…” He winks and my head shakes even more in embarrassment. “It's just that no one makes me feel this wayyy.” He ends it when he makes a funny face as he sings the last part.

Just when I think he’s done, he isn’t.

“Take ‘em to the chorus!” He cups his mouth as he yells it, and I find it hard to keep my eyes focused on driving with the tears of laughter.

At this point I figure: can’t beat him, then join him. We’re both singing now and laughing as we do. And when Harry smiled at me... Sure, maybe being happy was the reason, but that smile kept horrible memories, memories of hate, resent, why we stopped being friends in the first place. But, now, this beautiful smile of his was replacing all the bad memories and in their place were good ones. Ones like these.

I don’t know all the lyrics but Harry’s shouting them at me. I make a right turn into a Dairy Queen mostly because I can’t control the steering wheel, but Dairy Queen was also a viable option...

I pull into a parking spot and turn the radio down, and pull the keys out, the song still plays. “Want some ice-?”

Harry’s over the armrest and crushing his lips to mine before I can ask my question. It worried me; he’s making forget everything food related now. My one true love is being trumped.

Harry Styles, I'm Not Your Puppet (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (On Hold for Now)Where stories live. Discover now