Ch. 6 "Those Three Little Words"

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“’He’s an arse…’” All I saw on Twitter tonight in my mentions. “’@harrystyles is an arse lol :)’” The hash tag, #WeDisagreeWithKim kept coming up with it…. I smiled. They’re trying to make a trend.

She called me an arse? Not only that, but she was signing autographs tonight like she was some sixth member of the band.

I looked at Kim. She just told us that her friend was bailing on the beach house trip. I didn’t care, what I did care about was the fact that now I’m going to have to be near her in a beach house for who knows how long. I stayed quiet and looked out my window. I had nothing to say, well, nothing nice.

I wanted food, and I was more than glad when we pulled into McDonald’s to get some. I now had an excuse to be quiet and Kim pretended I didn't exist..

Every time I look at her I get a huge surge of hatred. I couldn’t even come to terms in why I did what I did, but what she did, it was even worse. I hated thinking about it.

Niall got onto Twitter after taking a picture of Liam eating his burger. “Reckon the fans’ll like it?” He was talking with his mouth full.

“Niall swallow, and then talk. We don’t need you to choke to death.” Liam laughed.

“Yeah, yeah,” Niall said. He seemed to ignore Liam completely.

I was waiting for it…

“’Niall, your sister is mean! #WeDisagreeWithKim @NiallOfficial’ What are they talking about?” He was talking to Kim.

“Huh?” She acted stupid, and it was unsurprisingly good acting.

“’Harry is a unicorn! Not an arse!’ While that is an odd tweet, I still would like to know the hell they’re talking about.”

“Oh…umm, I called Harry an arse.” Kim sipped her soda innocently.

I looked at her and she looked at me, I could feel as my eyes narrowed, and hers’ seemed to copy. “Why would you tell them that?” I asked.

As soon as I said it Louis sat straight up to listen. I could feel the boys’ eyes on both of us, this is the first conversation we’ve had in front of them in a long time, and it was a fight. All the more reason to pay attention, right?

“It slipped up. I’m sorry, but it’s not like it’s untrue.”

“You don’t just tell fans that. And from what I’ve read already, you were videotaped saying it. Honestly, how stupid are you?”

“Hey, Harry. Don’t call her stupid.” Niall said. He was being his usual protective brother thing, ‘no one can call her stupid, but me.’ “From the tweets I’ve already read, not a lot of them are saying we should just go kill Kim. She didn’t do anything wrong. If anything, it’s given another thing for the fans to laugh about.”

Kim was rubbing her eyes, I noticed now that they were slightly watery. I bit my tongue, I made her cry. Sure, I love pushing her buttons and hate her to no end, but it there’s one thing I never want to do, it’s to make a girl cry. And I just did that, I’ve made her cry.

I looked over at Louis who was looking at me with the This-is-why-you-need-to-tell-me face, that he wore every time he had the chance.

Kim tried so hard not to let any tears fall, and that’s what made it worse for me, “I hate you.” She said. All the boys heads made an audible snap to me.

I was surprised. I’ve never heard her say that to me before, yet it was obvious for me to know. I’ve never said it to her either, I never expected us to say it. But saying it in front of company, somehow made it more final.

Now that the moment happened, I couldn’t say it back. The words were hanging in the air of the limo, and the only noise was everyone’s breathing.

Her saying those three little words made me snap everything else into perspective.

She hates me.

And it’s my entire fault.

She hates me, and I can do nothing about it.


Hey guys :) I love this story and I love you all *mwah* You guys make me happy. And to know that there are actually people reading this is just so bizarre to me. This was kind of a short chapter. I'm sorry... :(  Anyways, comment and vote if you liked it. Tell me what you think. ^_^ And again, LOVE YOU! <3

Harry Styles, I'm Not Your Puppet (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (On Hold for Now)Where stories live. Discover now