Ch. 7 "Friends and Secrets"

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After we got to the hotel, I waited twenty minutes and went into Harry’s room. It was pitch dark so I turned on the light, and when I saw why, I tore the comforter from Harry. He was lying down on his bed, his head buried in his pillow. “Oh, gosh, Harry.

I watched as my best friend groaned and rolled over. It seemed that he was crying… My heart instantly went out towards him. His hair was glued to his face, and when he looked at me, I just wanted to hug him.

Manly hug him.

“Go away, Lou…” He rolled over onto his side and slammed the pillow to the side of his face. “I’m okay…”

I was worried. I didn’t know what else to say, so I left the room.

He’s never this upset over things between him and Kim. But, I could tell, I could just tell, that he was going to have to tell me soon. This is the closest I have come, but I don’t think he’s ready to tell me just yet. I’ll wait.

Tonight I witnessed the feud between them, and, I think, Niall, Liam, and Zayn, finally realized the knife between those two. And Niall, the entire limo drive, he was staring at Harry. Not angrily, but curious.

Kim, she stopped crying, but she asked to be let out at Aria’s, it was closer than our hotel. I can’t say I don’t blame her. I also would’ve wanted out of the vehicle as fast as possible if I were her. But, it still didn’t explain why on earth a fight like that could escalate to that degree that quickly.

This is what I know, Harry started everything, and when Kim retaliated, it made him hate her back. I just really wish I could figure it all out, but I guess I’ll have to wait.

What was it that someone said once? Patience is a virtue?

I have it, and I guess it’s my most powerful asset.


“What. The. Hell. Was that?” I asked Liam. He and I were sitting on the couch. Zayn was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. “I’m pretty sure that whatever happened tonight wasn’t just because of tonight…”

I was confused. I didn’t understand. What happened?

Liam didn't answer me, he could tell I was thinking aloud. He just stared at his laptop, twitter when I passed by, quick glance at his mentions showed the #WeDisagreeWithKim tag as well.

Now that I thought about Kim and Harry, I used to see them being friends…Until a week after tour…I never saw them talk to each other again.

“Hey… they never talk to each other.” I said my thoughts again aloud. “Which means something happened.”

Liam chuckled, “Good, I’m not the only one who didn’t notice. They haven’t talked to each other in a loooonnnggg time. We’re dumb.”

I grimaced. My curiosity was getting the better of me, I had to know. Without a second thought, I called my sister’s friend.

A couple of rings and then, “Hey, this is Aria, leave a message or hang up bitch. Love you. If you would like to leave a message―” I hung up.

“God! This is so frustrating!” I angrily threw my phone at the seat cushion. “Why are sisters so secretive?!”

Liam laughed quietly for the longest time, which really irritated me. “You have to remember, they’re girls. Girls’ heads are full of secrets. That’s what makes them girls.”

I still found it irritating. I thrummed my fingers on the arm rest.

“Hey…call Kim.” I said.

Liam clicked his laptop shut and gave me a look that told me he thought I was crazy. “Didn’t you just call her?”

“I called her friend…just call her.” I realized the stupidity of my request.

“Why would you call Aria? I mean it doesn’t make much sense if y―”

“Okay, okay, call Kim.” I didn't need a lecture on my stupidity.

“You do it.” He took his phone from his back pocket and tossed it to me. I caught it and in a second I was dialing my sister’s number.

She trusted Liam, and I knew she would answer. I was on the third ring when I heard a “Liam?” It wasn’t Kim.

“Aria?” I asked.

She sighed and the phone went dead. I got even more irritated.

I clutched the phone like it was a grenade. She’s purposefully ignoring me. Well, she won’t be able to ignore me tomorrow…

That beach house I dreaded suddenly became the solution to my curiosity. I'm going to know what she's keeping from me. 


A/N: WILL Louis find out what's happened between Harry and Kim? Is Harry right? Can he not make it up to her? And what did Kim do in retaliation? How bad could it be? I'm really sorry about it being so short guys D: The next chapter will be longer. Promise. 

Anyways, if you like it :) vote comment and add it to your library if it was good enough ;P

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Anyways, thanks for reading. And, as always, I love you :)

Harry Styles, I'm Not Your Puppet (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (On Hold for Now)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora