Ch. 3 "The Idea"

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“I’ve never in my 17 years ever met a more inconceivable, inconsiderate, insensitive, and… a whole bunch of other ‘in’-words, ever. None like Harry Styles, unbelievable, unthinkable―”

“Okay, I get it. Harry’s a whole bunch of ‘un’-words too…” Aria said lazily.

I texted her to meet me back at my hotel room, but when I came in she was asleep on the couch, the television running so loud it hurt. She didn’t wake up to me calling “Aria” over and over, but what did work, finally, was me dumping a glass of water on her face.

“Seriously?” She said. But that was the most alert she ever was around me though, and now, she was in my bathroom changing. Being irritable with me was normal for Aria, but right now, her level of irritation was at an all-time high.

“Aria, I just I can’t understand why he has to be so… Harry.” I really couldn’t, he just had to push my buttons every time he got the chance. But then, why did I push his buttons every chance I got?

“I sure hope you don’t mean Harry, as in Hairy, because, to be honest―ugh, God, how do you fit in these jeans? You eat way too much and never gain a pound―well, anyways; Harry’s hair seems to make the girls go crazy.”

I couldn’t help but smile at her quick-witted remark. “Thank you, but Harry isn’t attractive…he’s repulsive.” And yet, I was still smiling.

“Speak for yourself…” Aria came out of the bathroom and did a quick 360. “I think he’s hot, even if he is a massive jerk. And, um, you know, you never told me what happened last summer.” Aria raised her eyebrows questioningly.

“I don’t think I will tell you for a while, A.” I frowned at her. “I told you that I will tell you when I’m ready to talk about it. He was a jerk to me and that’s all you need to know.”

“Yeah, but, I could really understand why we hate him if you did tell me…” Aria took a pony tail holder, put it in her teeth, and did up her hair. She watched as I glowered at her and backtracked. “Well, anyways, you got your sunglasses back at least. We can go to the beach now!” Aria clapped her hands together excitedly.

And again, I couldn’t help the smile that came to my face. “Not ‘til tomorrow…and hey, I was actually thinking about renting a―”

Aria screamed. “Yes! Yes! I will go with you. I will stay with you. I love beach houses! Oh! I freakin’ love you!”

“…Jeep.” I laughed. I shouldn’t have laughed, but I laughed.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be that way, not brat-nosed and stuff, but your mom and dad are staying in Ireland, and I thought maybe you’d like to stay at a beach house…and I don’t know what I was thinking. I was just being an idiot. I’m sorry.”

I looked at her and I thought that she’s been with me through thick and thin.

Especially the thick... And then, I thought, why not reward her? She is my best friend after all…

But, mostly, I thought of getting away, just getting away from all the hectic business of the band. I wanted the whole world off my back, and I guess the best way to do that would be to go away. Away from everything, everyone, and that included Harry.

I guess I was thinking too much on this subject, but then again, I wanted away.

“No…” I said slowly, I was trying to piece together my sentences in my head. “I’m going to go call my parents and ask them if it’s ok. I’m sure they’ll say yes. They never tell me no―except maybe if I was going clubbing or something totally inappropriate―” I chuckled once and continued, “They’ll be ok with beach house-ing for a weekend. But I gotta tell Niall too, tell him I’m going to it, and A, Niall isn’t as forgiving as my mom and dad…but if we both beg, I’m pretty sure we’ll crack him.”

My plan, sure, with a little inspiration from Aria, but still my plan, was coming together. She looked positively ecstatic, which was new on her. I’ve never seen her this happy, and if she called her dad, he’d agree to anything she wanted to do. But, she was 18, and she could do whatever she wanted, calling her dad was just habit.

“I love you.” She said, lost on words.

She picked up her phone and called her dad while I called my mom. Always go with the parent you think will be most understanding when you need to ask for something. That was what Niall always told me, Greg never seemed too invested in me to care. Niall always was the better big brother.

“Yeah, hey, mom,” I answered to my mother’s hello.

“Kimberly,” Mom always was the one to call me by my full name.

“Yeah, hi…I just was calling to ask you something.”

“Yes?” My mom laughed, she knew me too well. “What do you want to do that needs my permission?”

“Well, I want to leave the tour with the boys for a week and go to a beach house for a weekend.”

Kimberly, its Monday!” My mom laughed again.

“I know, but, Aria and I were just talking and I thought it’d be okay. We can fly out after our weekend and rejoin the boys then.”

My mother's side was silent, I could tell she was thinking, but then she said the dreaded words any child hopes not to hear. “Ask your father.”

I thought fast. “Mom, mom, hey, please? Can I go, please?

“I don’t know, Kimberly…Aria and you together? I just don’t know.”

“C’mon mom, please?

Another long pause. “Well, okay... but no bars. You're not in Ireland, and even if you were you're not eighteen yet.”

“Yes, ma’am, no bars. Understood.”

“Okay, well, if that’s it, good-bye.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.” And she hung up.

I would ask Niall later tonight, after the concert.

At least he’d be tired when I tell him. He’ll be able to sleep tonight. I just hope that he doesn’t think I’m doing this because of Harry.

Even if I am.

Harry Styles, I'm Not Your Puppet (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (On Hold for Now)Where stories live. Discover now