Ch. 8 "Crying, Laughing, and Secret Keeping"

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God, please. Please. Please, don’t let it be that bad…

I’m on Aria’s laptop and the first thing I searched was “Kim Horan and Harry Styles,” and I groan out loud.

YouTube, “’Who’s the most difficult in the band?’” It was the girl’s voice. “’Zayn.’” The camera’s shaky, but still catches the next question. “I thought it would’ve been Harry… You two seem to hate each other.”

I wanted to gasp in horror, I looked murderous when she said that, and it was obvious my jaw was clenched. “’We don’t hate each other… He’s just a real arse sometimes.’”

“How? He seems really nice.”

And again, I wanted to gasp in horror as I sneer. “He’s an arse.”

But then the camera cuts off. And I was so relieved that the filming didn’t continue to me cussing. The comments underneath were horrifying.

“’Hazza isn’t an arse! He’s a sparkly unicorn.’” It was “thumbs up”’d 22 times. What’s the deal in calling Harry a sparkly unicorn? It’s just so odd.

And the other top comment. “’If you were there, you would’ve heard her say after this ‘He told me to fuck off before.’ Lol like brother like sister ^_^ oops, slip up.’” It was from an hour ago and only had 10 thumbs up. At least she said it was a slip up….

When Niall called my phone using Liam’s, Aria answered and hung up. He already called her. She understands me, if I was crying, Niall shouldn’t be bothering me. “Poor Niall…” She grinned. “Doesn’t understand girls yet…” Then she turned off my phone.

A couple minutes pass until she clicked her tongue impatiently at me as I drank the last of my Mountain Dew. “There’s a machine for more down the hall if you wanna come with me…” She asked, pointing at my empty bottle. She’s giving me my space, and even though she’s been watching what I’ve been doing, across the room not watching the screen, but more of me. She’s not said anything. But, knowing Aria, she will say something.

I shook my head no, but gave her three dollars to get me a new one. I didn’t want to sleep yet. I just wanted to stay awake with my best friend and not cry. But I was painfully close again as I looked at comments in the video.

The only thing I'm happy they don't know is that I told Harry I hate him. felt good. Like all my feelings were just bottled up until I said it. But, everything else, yeah, the fans knew about that.

Some of them were saying funny things, like “NO CARROTS FOR YOU” and others, just hurtful…I wanted to cry at some, no matter how many found it funny or okay, the ones who were being mean got to me, and it made no sense at all.

Painfully, I logged into Twitter. I was so hoping not to go on tonight, but I had to, even though I knew what I’d see. I saw the worldwide trends, and #WeDisagreeWithKim was third. I was mortified, and I was about to cry from the things I thought I would see coming, but the things I did…they were okay. Rarely, I would see one that was mean, but I was okay with that, looking at their profile pictures and bios I could tell they weren’t happy people…Haters.

And then gradually, I felt better.

I just finished watching a music video and laughing at what came at the end, totally unexpected, when Aria came in. She was laughing and holding my Mountain Dew in her hand. She seemed sleep deprived, but the Pepsi in her hand told me she was here for the long hull. She’s gonna stay awake as long as I’m awake. Tiny things like that show me why she is my best friend.

Harry Styles, I'm Not Your Puppet (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (On Hold for Now)Where stories live. Discover now