Ch. 15 "Where's Aria?"

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I pour myself my cereal and placed it on the counter as I headed to the fridge for milk.

I can’t find it.

Now irritated, I snatch up my spoon and throw it back in the drawer. I can’t eat it dry. And that’s when I get even more irritated. When I look up, there on the counter, is the milk carton. Warm.

Just to make sure, I smell it and it reeks.

Without a care with recycling, I throw it away. Container and all.

Who would’ve got the milk out and not put it away?

Angry that I woke up early for nothing, I head to the one person in the house that loves to drink milk at night. Kim. She’s done this before, but, this time, she’s going to hear from me.

I open her door, not caring if it slammed into the wall.

The first thing I notice is that Aria’s bed wasn’t slept in last night, then I see Kim collapsed face down on her covers, in the outfit she was wearing yesterday. I backtrack, but just for a second. Kim never would sleep in her clothes unless she was so tired she had to. Which couldn’t be true, the milk was left out.

The milk issue forces me to go shake her shoulder. “Hey!”

She groans as her face turns slightly to look up at me. “Mmm?” I see the sunburn all over her cheeks and nose causing her skin to peel.

“Get up. You left the milk out last night, go buy some.”

She sits up and combs her fingers through her hair as she looks up confused. I notice her eyes, red and puffy.

“Zayn, I’m so sorry. I’ll get some later, okay?” She sighs, tiredly. Or was it sadly?

She starts to put her head back down, but I stop her. “No, now. I already poured cereal. I already showered. I already am dressed. I have done my hair. All I wanted was my breakfast.”

Her eyes narrow angrily. “Then bloody go and buy some!”

“It’s a fifteen minute drive into town!” I defend.

“Again. I’m going to say this slowly. Go. Buy. Some.” She pauses between each word, emphasizing her annoyance at me.

“I didn’t leave the milk out!” I yell.

“Zayn!” She screams. “I’m tired! Get out! I don’t want to talk to you right now. Especially not over some stupid cereal.”

Reluctantly, I leave the room and slam the door behind me.

It’s just a spat.

We’ll be buddies again when I get my cereal.


How dare he come in here waking me and Aria up over milk?

“A, what’s the plan of retaliation?” I chuckle into my covers. She always knows the perfect thing for revenge.

When I receive no response, I guess she’s still asleep. I poke my head up, preparing to launch a pillow at her, but then, I see her bed. It’s completely void of Aria.

And it’s too neat to have been slept in and made. In fact, I think Aria never made a bed in her life. She’s such a slob.

Where's Aria?

She definitely came upstairs last night to bed.

Didn’t she? I don’t really remember seeing her in here…did she come to bed? Of course. She had to. I heard a click of the door…before Harry came out…

Harry Styles, I'm Not Your Puppet (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (On Hold for Now)Where stories live. Discover now