Ch. 28 "In-Between"

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*3 Months Later*

“Yes, Mom…I understand Mom…No, Mom…I love you, too, Mom…What? Yes, I’ll tell her. Okay, Mom. Yes Mom. You already told me that, Mom…I’m not getting an attitude, Mom! Sorry, Mom…Okay…Love you, too. Bye.” Niall hung up the phone and gave me an exhausted look. “Ughhh!” He threw his body onto my temporary bed and bounced me up a tad.

“Chip?” I held the bowl towards him and he just groaned into the comforter. “Dip?” Another groan. “Well, fine. Geez, Niall. Can you at least tell me what she said?”

He still had his face in the sheets so when he spoke it sounded like he was mumbling.

“Excuse me? What?” I say.

He lifted up his head and lolled onto his side. “She was wondering how you were.”

I got a confused look on my face and placed another chip in my mouth. “Explain.” He groaned another loud Niall groan. “Don’t Ughhh me. What?”

“Don’t make me involved in your relationships ever again. Please?” Niall sighed. “It’s already bad enough you were dating him, now that you’re in some weird fight and I’m not even sure whose side I’m on.”

“You’re on mine. Always mine. I’m your sister.” I emphasized the word “sister” in case he forgot.

“Yeah, okay. Whatever.” I swear I’m talking to a 5-year-old sometimes. He picked a chip and dipped it into the onion dip before placing into his mouth. “Why did you break up exactly?”

“We didn’t.”

“Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to offend you.” Niall’s sarcastic voice was not even a tad funny. “What I meant was: Why are you two ‘taking a break’?” He rolled his eyes at me before taking the chip bowl out of my hands and grazing so ungracefully upon them.

“I told you. We thought that seeing other people would be a nice change for a while.”

“And by dating other people for a while you mean: he’s out with girls and you are just sitting here reading about him being out with girls.”

When he put it that way I felt like hitting myself upside the head.

“It was my fault…” I said, mostly to myself rather than to him. And it was. I was the one who got pissed off at how distant he was lately when in actuality he wasn’t being a teeny bit distant. I realized a month later that I was the one who got distant.

“Whatever, Kim. Get over him. Don’t get over him. Your choice. I just don’t want to hear you or Mom talk to me about it anymore.”

“I have no choice in whether or not Mom talks about it.” And I truly didn’t.

“Then stop crying over it and fucking do what you wanted to do when you broke up with him for God’s sake!” He stormed out of the suite and down the hall before I could even respond.



“Liam?” I came out of the dressing rooms and he wasn’t there. I came back out into the H&M and looked around the store for him in his disguise. Sunglasses and a hoodie aren’t exactly foolproof, but hey, when you are a fool everything is foolproof.

I buy my things and look around downstairs for him.

He wasn’t here.

He fucking left me here.

Smiling and a little annoyed at myself for talking the entire time I was dressing and undressing all by myself (people must’ve thought I was crazy), I take out my cell and text him a quick message.

Harry Styles, I'm Not Your Puppet (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (On Hold for Now)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن