Ch. 12 "It's One Girl"

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That’s the first emotion. Rage at the girl, but realizing she didn’t do this to me…Harry. I’m mad at Harry. Gee, what else is new? How dare he bring another girl here? What’s management going to say when paparazzi suddenly emerges from the dunes and slaps his picture in every magazine? What’s to stop our security watching us from a reasonable distance from seeing this girl? To tell everyone they know, including their daughters. Daughters who have friends…who have friends…who have friends….

But, then I feel betrayal.

I was his best friend, and I wasn’t good enough. She’s blonde. I’m blonde. She’s skinny. I’m skinny. The only thing wrong with me is that, 1) I’m “too young” for him and, 2) I’m Niall Horan’s sister.

And that’s when jealousy comes to play.

That should be me getting out of the vehicle. That should be me with Harry’s arm around my waist…Me laughing like that as Harry falls into the sand and pulls me down with him…

I look away from them dusting themselves off and grit my teeth and see Aria, staring. At me.

“What?” I try to say it casually but it comes out just bitter and resentful. Heck, I am bitter and resentful. Harry’s a dick.

No, no, let’s not break Kim’s heart once, no, that’s not enough! Let’s rub this girl in her face as well. She doesn’t know that I know she loves me, even underneath all that hate for me. She’s just fooling herself. I mean, c’mon, who doesn’t love me? I’m Harry Styles.

I’m sick of it.

“Watching you…see him with that girl. It makes you angry. Maybe try smiling and make him mad?” That’s all she says and she gets up and runs over to meet the girl, leaving me abandoned on the towel.

And now I know that Aria is getting bits of information now, all of them about Harry. And now, Harry with the girl, me angry. She’s probably pieced two pieces in the puzzle by now.

Just something that makes me hate him even more, something I will never admit because no matter how I say it, it’ll always trace back to one key phrase.

I like Harry.


“Hey, Aria,” I laugh as Bridget dusts off her legs. She missed a bit on her bum, but I’m going to swipe that later…you know…to get the sand off.

“Hey Harry,” She smiles at me but her eyes are telling me, what the hell? “Who’s your friend?” She points the false smile at the girl next to me.

“Bridget,” Liam answers for me. “She needed a ride; her house is right over there.” He points to the house in the distance. “Plus, Harry thought we needed her to ride with us.”

Crap. I always count that my friends won’t repeat what I say, but they do. And I guess it is okay that Aria hears. She’ll edit everything for Kim’s ears. Not like I care, but I know she will.

Kim says nothing but keeps smiling to hide her hatred at me. I never really did anything to her, but girls do that sometimes. One friend hates someone so everyone hates that someone. In this case, that someone is me.

“Bridget, come hang out with me and Kim.” Aria smiles and grabs her hand excitedly.

And…there it is. The underlying motive for coming over here rather than staying over with Kim and ignoring us.

Bridget looks confused for a moment, but answers with, “I’m gonna stick with Harry.” Her voice is really soft and sweet. “One Direction over girls I don’t know.” She puts her hands up and does a scale impression, weighing her options.

Aria’s smile fades fast. “Kim is Niall’s sister…” I can’t tell if she thinks that a legitimate reason or if she’s kidding.

Bridget laughs anyways. “I know that. But, it’s Harry.” She makes a gesture to me. “One Direction’s Harry. You can’t blame me if I want to talk with him and his friends. Can you?”

Aria smiles again. “I can too blame you, but I’ll just leave it at that. Okay? Okay.” Aria turns on her heel and stalks back to her towel.

“What was that about?” She asks me. She is wearing a really nervous expression.

I shrug and take her hand. She looks down at it questioningly and I lead her over to where my best friend is throwing a Frisbee. He’s just about to throw when I go, “Boo,” and he practically pees himself.

“Don’t do that.” Louis picks up the Frisbee and throws it to Zayn who joined his and Niall’s game. He eyes my hand holding with Bridget but disregards it after that. “Who are you?”

“Sorry, Boo,” I smile referring to his nickname this time rather than to scare him. “And this is Bridget.”

Louis turns full around at both of us and smiles at me. “How old are you Bridget?”

“I’m twenty-two.” She laughs.

“Did I do something funny?” Louis grins.

“Nah, it’s just you. I’m still adjusting here. I never thought in a million years I’d get to meet you guys, especially not on a beach right after I've gone surfing.”

“You surf?” Louis asks.

I leave their conversation at that. When I do I catch a glimpse of Kim and Aria, Aria is talking very calmly, but Kim looks…scared? Mad? But then she sees me, and then it’s the permanent face of hate.

I just grin at her really big and she jerks her face back to Aria.

Maybe I meant to bring Bridget here to annoy her, maybe I meant to bring her as a distraction, maybe just to have fun. Whatever reason, she’s hot, and I really like her. She’s sweet and gets along really well with the boys. She’s not all typical fan-girl and screaming every five seconds.

I adjust my gaze on the surf and watch as the tide pulls in and out. I don’t know when Bridget joins me by my side again, maybe an hour, two? But the first thing she does is put her hand in full reach of mine.

I grab it, because that’s what she wants.

“Why did you pick me up?” Well, that was a total shot-in-the-dark question.

Because you were hot. “I thought you were gorgeous and I had to know you.”

“Um, thank you,” She blushes, “but a lot of girls are gorgeous and after you…why me? I’m some stranger.”

Because Kim made me mad this morning and I was making her mad back. You were just the hottest girl I saw when I wanted revenge. “Like I said, I had to know you.”

She blushes some more and stops talking after that. Her head eventually finds my shoulder and that’s when I take her chin and lift her lips to mine.


A/N: OMG! I couldn't freaking find a way to fit everything I wanted into this chapter. I'm terribly sorry it took so long to update. I have a busy life now. School, track, job, homework, and when I have time I read. But, now, I'm focusing on writing. Once a week. Okay. It's a promise.

But, thank you for reading this short, crappy chapter. I love you.

Harry Styles, I'm Not Your Puppet (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (On Hold for Now)Where stories live. Discover now