A Step in the Past

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I've always looked up to Esdeath. She saved me once in the past. I was young and trying to help my family out by doing odd jobs in the city. I only scraped up enough money for a little food. It wouldn't even last a meal. I've lived in the slums my whole life. Everyone knows everybody and everyone has the same troubles. Living here isn't what you'd expect from the Empire. It must have been luck and fate that Esdeath was able to find and help me. I was walking home from the market when some hungry looking people jumped out at me and tried to steal what food I had. I didn't want to give it up since my whole family is starving. They didn't care if I was a child or not. Brutes they were. They took my food and started to run off with it. I tried to get it back from them, but I was just one child. What could I do to them but scream and throw weak punches?

They ended up throwing me to the ground calling me stupid and weak. I knew I was, but it's from the hunger not because I'm weak in person. They punch and kick at me trying to teach me a lesson. I remember a shadow flying overhead. My attackers froze in their place... literally. When I look up, I see Esdeath standing above me with the food that was stolen from me. I greedily accept the food and get up off the ground. She knelt down and told me: "Never quit fighting for what you want. Keep growing and grow stronger."

Even as bloodthirsty as she is, her eyes were full of kindness. I was just lucky that she was passing by. Since that day, I looked up to Esdeath and wished to train under her. I went home and told my family what had happened. They were thankful that I was okay, but worried about my bruises. I told them not to worry about me. Since that day, I vowed to join the Imperial Guards when I am ready and old enough. I worked everyday with each passing day going by. I've heard of people defecting and joining the Revolutionary Army outside the Empire. I hated them all for doing that, but alas I was blinded from the truth.

Even with so many people leaving the Empire, I was finally old enough and joined the Imperial Guards. It's more work than I bargained for. Training is tough. Esdeath saw to it that my unit will be put under her direct control and gave us the name of Death Squad. She saw potential in my group and trained us vigorously. I've never worked that hard in my life.

Training here is where I met one of my best friends, Seryu Ubiquitous. She is extremely loyal to the Empire as I was. Little did I know at the time, is that she already had an Imperial Arms that Esdeath gave her. Imperial Arms are extremely powerful weapons that were made back when the Empire just started out. They were used to unify the land in the ancient past. I've never heard of Imperial Guards having Imperial Arms as it was too much stress on them, but Seryu didn't have any problems at all. I asked Esdeath for one many times, but she said that I wasn't ready yet. I trained and trained everyday until I got fed up with waiting.

Along with Seryu, we went to where the Imperial Arms were being kept. I didn't want to take one, just see how they look. Seryu wasn't completely on board with the idea, but came along just in case something went wrong. I'm glad she came along, because she helped us sneak by the guards. Seeing all the weapons all in one place like this is amazing. You can feel the power surrounding the place. I look around and look at all the swords, spears, and other weapons that I've never seen before. When I turn around to ask Seryu if this is amazing, she's gone. The alarm is raised and I frantically grab one of the Imperial Arms. I know I didn't come here to take one, but my hand just flashed out and grabbed the closest one to me.

I run out of the castle with guards and Esdeath chasing me. Well Esdeath is walking in a cool and calm manor, but I could see the fury in her eyes. The eyes that once showed be kindness are now showing hatred and betrayal. I run into every side road I could find to try and escape the guards chasing me. I soon pieced it all together that Seryu betrayed me and told Esdeath what was going on. I finally reach a spot where I can stop and rest and see what weapon I had grabbed. The weapon has spiked chains running down it that stop at blades. This must be like an assassin weapon the way it looks. Before I could react, the weapon wraps itself around my waist. Armored sleeves run down my arms as the chains go into slots on the sleeves. The weapon has chosen me, and those who betrayed me will die!

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