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Well Tatsumi didn't poison me although he still looks at me like I'm his enemy. Throughout dinner, he shot me glares as if he's got some grudge against me. Well I almost killed him when we first fought, but I let him live. I knew if I killed him, Night Raid would've hunted me down to the ends of the planet.

"Crow." Tatsumi says over everyone. The table becomes silent, "After dinner we fight. I want to know if I could've defeated you the first time we met."

"Promise you won't have a grudge against me?" I glare at him.

"Promise." He nods, "I just want to know if I've gotten stronger is all."

"Najenda," Mine interrupts, "are you going to allow this? If they fight, one of them will die!"

"Mine, you scared that he'll die." I smile mischievously.

"What!" Her eyes dart side to side, "Are you stating that- I well I just um... if he dies, then we lose a great fighter is all!"

"If that's all then I'll kill him." I laugh.

"Don't sound so serious!" Mine whines.

"I won't have them use the full extent of their abilities." Najenda says standing up, "Other than that, go ahead and spar."


Don't use the full extent of my abilities? Hmmph I've never heard of such nonsense. If I'm going to fight, then I'm going to go full force! I don't care what Najenda said, I know I've gotten stronger since I last fought Tatsumi and I know he's gotten stronger as well. I won't kill him, maybe hurt him just as much as last time, but I won't kill him... not yet anyways.

The bright moon is overhead as we head out to the training area. Tatsumi goes to the weapon rack and throws me a wooden pole and takes one for himself. So Najenda meant that we can't use our weapons, just the abilities they give us. I don't think Tatsumi stands a chance against me using Shinorensa's speed. Nothing matches my speed!

"Begin!" Najenda shouts, "Be careful! I don't want any serious injuries if we're going into battle soon."

"No promises." I smile as I twirl the pole in my hand, "You make the first move Tatsumi."

He doesn't say a word and glares at me for a second before jumping into the air. He slams his pole down, but hits nothing but air. I saw that coming from a mile away. I kick him in the back of his neck and send him flying through the air. He landed nimbly on his feet before launching himself at me again. I parry his blow and slam the end of my pole into his gut and follow it up with a kick to his chin. He falls to the ground slowly holding his neck. He gasps for air until he can breathe again. He looks up at me with fiery determination. I sidestep his next attack, kick the back of his legs and hold the pole across his neck.

"battle's over." I tell him, "You lost. I admit you are faster and stronger, but that doesn't mean that you're ready to face me."

"Fine you win." He says struggling. I take the pole away from his throat and then slam my palm to his back. He falls to the ground as the others rush to his side. I walk away without looking back or apologizing. The idiot asked, I delivered. He should've known better.

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