Subdue the Puppet Master

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My blade should've killed that traitor! If he can control his blood, then why hasn't he used it? Why hasn't he killed me? He's had plenty chances to kill me, but he didn't. Is it possible that he wants to win the war without killing? If only that were possible. Esdeath and the rest of the corrupt Empire must be killed. There is no other way. 

I wince at my wounds. I knew that the chains had barbed ends on them, but I didn't know they were that sharp. He had every chance to kill me while I was tangled in the chains, but he made sure to miss anything important on and in me. His heart really hasn't been tainted by the corruption. Tatsumi got me out of the way of the fighting to tend to my wounds, but as we ran, I caught a glimpse of my sister tearing through the trees towards everyone else. I push myself off of Tatsumi's shoulders and land neatly on the ground. My wounds aren't serious, but he thinks so. These are just surface wounds, they aren't deep. I'm just a little lightheaded after being hit in the head. Leone is back there fighting a weakened Crow, but he is still a dangerous opponent weakened or not!

"Tatsumi!" I turn to him, "Give me my sword! Leone is still back there!"

"She didn't look in good shape when we left." He says handing me Muramasa, "How did he live through the curse? He should be long dead by now!"

"A trump card that I've never seen before." I take off sprinting, "He can control his blood and if it's still active, he can still control his blood! Who knows what else he can do!"



I take Crow's hand as he let's me off the ground. He never took his eyes off of Kurome. Were they starting to grow close? I shake my head. There's no way Crow would go after someone like... like her! Well I'm no better, but... I sigh. I need to get my head into the battle.

"Leone," Crow turns to me, "hold off the puppets as long as you can. Akame and Tatsumi will be here any moment. Explain to them that I'm fighting for the sake of the people. Kurome's mine!"

"So you wanna start where we left off?" Kurome says with a menacing smile, "Fine with me, but your still not strong enough to best me!"

I didn't know that they fought before. When Crow went back to the Empire, he must have had to prove his strength to them. I turn my attention to one of the puppets and send it flying through the trees. I just hope Crow can win with the loss of some of his strength.



I run up to Kurome and come down with both of my blades. Sparks fly out into every direction from the force of the impact. I won't go easy on her this time no matter how weak I am! I jump backwards and kick her hard in the gut. She recovers quickly and the sword slices down the left side of my face covering my eye in blood. I can't stop that blood at all! It's too deep! I have to focus on my other senses to counter what she just did. 

I bound into the trees and send the chains flying down at her. She easily dodges out of the way, but I had a hidden blade underneath the ground just for the occasion. I send the blade deep into her right leg. An eye for an eye bitch! I reel myself in as fast as possible and headbutt her. We both stumble backwards, but she's hurting more than I. Seeing the dark black and blue bruise forming on her head made me smile. She knows that she can't win this. I'll kill her here and now. Then I'll kill all the rest! All the Jaegers will! I will show that their can be change in this world!

I come down with my blades as hard as possible. Kurome blocks, but her leg buckles underneath her. She rolls out of the way before they could slice her. 

"Admit defeat and I might let you live." I stand up gasping for breath, "It doesn't have to end this way."

"I'll never give up!"

She is extremely fast. She never showed off her speed when we sparred earlier. That was nothing compared to the level she's on right now. It's as if she isn't affected by the pain. I keep up with her, but I begin to tire. Kurome doesn't seemed phased or tired at all. What is keeping her going? I have to end this now or I will die!

I wait for an opening. It's tough to find one with Kurome being such a skilled fighter. I'll just overpower her with my strength! The next time our blades connect, I throw her sword to the side and stab her underneath her chin. Everything calms down in an instant. Kurome stumbles backwards and falls to her knees.

"I'm sorry it had to end this way." I kneel down to her.

"Just end it." She pleads, "Just end my life please!"

"I won't!" I clench my fists, "I defeated you! Just take the loss!"

"I'm in so much pain right now." Her voice goes quiet, "Please kill me..."

I stand up and close my eyes as I cut her throat.

"You did what was right." Leone shows up beside me banged up, but she should heal up quickly, "We... we lost more people today."

"What do you mean?" I ask wiping the blood away from my eye, "Who else died today?"

"Chelsea was killed by Esdeath, but she killed Bohls." Leone sighs deeply, "Susanoo was destroyed by Esdeath as well. They lost more than us however. Bohls, Kurome, Stylish, and Run have all been killed today. All that's left is Wave and Esdeath."

"Just Esdeath." I tell her, "Wave is beginning to think otherwise."



I dig Earkn out of the body of Wave. The traitor tried to kill me. I can't stand traitors and what I've been hearing from Esdeath is that this man, Crow, is a traitor three times over. That deserves special attention. Night Raid are all traitors to the glorious Empire! I'll make sure that the Empire will live on and this pathetic Revolution will die!

So Xero has shown his true colors, but Night Raid is unaware of his treachery. Stay tuned for next time!!! :D See yall next time!

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