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It's over. I finally got revenge, but I don't feel any better. I'm told that this is just another step towards ending the Empire. I hear someone behind me sliding down a building. I turn around to see a shaken Lissia. I keep forgetting that she's never fought before or killed anyone or anything. Even if Koro was an Imperial Arms, it was still a living thing.

"Is it over?" Lissia whispers as she looks blankly down at Seryu's body, "Did we win?"

"It's over." I tell her, "We did something good here today. We are paving the path towards freedom and peace."

"I'm sorry you got hurt." She says staring at my cuts, "I just couldn't bring myself to kill. I couldn't let the arrow fly. I was too worried about letting the wrong arrow loose. I'm so sorry I hesitated!"

"Don't worry about it." I smile, "You chose the right time actually. I couldn't find Koro's core. I would've tired out before I ever found the core. You did great; wonderful even. The accuracy of that bow is magnificent."

"I did have some help using it." She says, "Najenda and Mine helped me. Did you know that Najenda once used Pumpkin?"

"I didn't." I turn towards pounding footsteps, "Grab my hand we gotta get out of here. I'm sure Esdeath won't be too pleased about this."

"Hold me tight." She says grabbing my hand, "Don't let me go."

I call upon Shinorensa's speed and hold Lissia close to me as we get away from the battle.

I finally slow down and we start walking the rest of the way back to the base. We should be clear now. I put away Shinorensa and Lissia puts Ikezuno on her back. We enter the forest path that Leone shown us on a map. She shown us every escape route in case of emergency.


Back at base, everything seems normal. If you count normal as everyone training with or without weapons, then that's normal. We have to report Najenda immediately and tell her that the mission is completed.

"Najenda." I say walking into the meeting room, "Seryu's dead."

"That's good to hear!" She smiles, "That brings us one step closer to defeating the Empire. Good job you two. Lissia you may go. Crow we need to speak."

"Yes ma'am!" Lissia says nervously and leaves the room.

"Crow it seems that you and Leone have some bad blood." Najenda says after the door closes, "Tell me what happened between you two. She's been acting different ever since you arrived."

"We were childhood friends." I tell her, "That's it. Nothing else."

"I'm sure there's more," She says, "What happened."

"When I went to the market to buy some bread for my family," I begin, "I was stopped by some thieves and they tried to take my bread on the way home. I was saved by Esdeath for some reason. I grew to trust her from that day and vowed I would join the Imperial Guard. When I told Leone that, she decided to leave. I'm pretty sure she joined the Revolutionary Army. I became under direct control by Esdeath. I was sent to a death squad. We became killing machines that Esdeath made us into. My first mission was to find and kill an Imperial Arms user that was hiding in the city. It was Leone. We spread all across the city. My comrades managed to corner her and wound her. When I arrived, I noticed that it was Leone. I said that I'll finish her off, alone. I made her fake her own death and made her leave the city. My squad went back home. Leone tried to convince me to leave the Guards and come with her. I declined many times and she got angry at me. Her wounds must've healed because before I knew it, I was nearly dead. She gave me mercy and left. I never thought we'd see each other again. That's it. That's what's wrong."

"I'm sure Leone would be pleased if you apologized to her." Najenda says, "She needs a pick-me-up."

"I'll be sure to do that." I tell her, "Am I free to go?"

"Go and rest up." She tells me, "Be down for dinner later. Akame and Tatsumi are cooking."

"I'll be down." I take a deep breath, "I just hope that Tatsumi won't poison me."

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