The Final Betrayal

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I haven't talked much since I had to kill Riyo. It's like another part of me was destroyed along with his passing. I gave him the option to live! Damn it! I slam my fist into the wall letting the debris shower over me. I shouldn't have killed him at all. He was the last of my family left. My father left my mother after Riyo was born and mother died of an illness not long after. Riyo and I've been alone until we joined the Imperial Guard. We were fine until I was betrayed. I don't know how much more I can take. I don't like killing, I just do it to survive.

"You busy?" Leone opens up my door, "You seem like you could use some help."

"Come in." I say blankly staring at the wall, "I'm not busy at all."

"You need to move on." Leone says sitting next to me, "I'm sorry to say it, but you do. I used to feel like you once I found out you joined the Imperial Guard. We used to be close and that nearly killed me. I felt like you abandoned me."

"No." I turn to you, "I won't move on, I can't. You were the one who abandoned me. You left the city and I. I joined after you left."

"We were inseparable Crow!" She starts getting angry, "You aren't alone either! You have everyone here to help you out. We are a team, a family. We help each other out no matter what. You better cool down before you come out."

"I'm leaving." I tell her, "I'm taking Lissia and leaving. You won't ever see us or hear about us again."

"Why are you leaving?" Leone's face is full of hurt, "You just got here and now you wanna leave? You're going to leave me again?"

"I can't handle killing so many people." I tell her, "I didn't come here for you anyway. I came here basically against my will. I thank you all for helping us when we needed it, but I think we need to leave. I'm sorry."

I push through a frozen Leone and make my way down to the meeting room where Najenda is finishing issuing orders.

"Wait everyone." I call out, "I have something to say. I-"

"A traitor in the midst! "Leone runs into the room, "He plans on running back to the Empire and giving away our secrets! Don't let those two run away!"

"We are not traitors!" I turn and face the hostile group, "I just can't take it anymore. I don't like killing people anymore. Just let us go peacefully!"

"I'm afraid I can't let that happen Crow." Najenda stands up, "I can't take the chance that you'll get captured and tortured for information. We will have to kill you today or risk losing our position."

I can try to escape, but Lissia is a sitting target. The bow is only good for long distances not up close encounters and as far as I know, she doesn't know any hand to hand combat. I ready the chains and look for an escape route. I can try to force my way through Leone, but she's too fast for me and I don't want to kill her. Ahead of me are the rest of the members of Night Raid and they are beginning to fan out. They know that I'm a dangerous enemy and don't want rush in on me. Even Tatsumi is waiting instead of rushing in. At least he's learned something since I've been here.

"Fine you got me." I hold up my hands to the ceiling, "I surrender."

They lower their weapons which is a mistake. I use the speed of Shinorensa and sprint towards the group. I jump into the air before they even knew what is happening. I slam them all to the ground as hard as possible, but just as carefully. I don't want to kill them, just hurt them enough to make it out of here alive. I turn and grab Lissia and sprint for one of the windows and take the full force of the wall and the window. Pain rips through my body, but I must keep going. Lissia must survive; we must survive.

I land neatly on the ground and set her on the ground.

"Crow," She whispers, "what are we going to do?"

The shock has set in and I feel her pain. She was just called a traitor and was at death's door. I feel her pain.

"Run as far as possible." I tell her, "I'll let nothing hurt you ever!"

We start running in the direction of the nearby forest. Then everything happened so fast, a shot in the dark and a body hitting the ground. I turn to see a shot from Pumpkin going through Lissia's chest. She instantly begins to drop. I catch her before she falls as anger and sadness begins to fill my heart once again.

"Crow." She says weakly, "Don't let me die..."

She goes limp. I lay her softly onto the ground and turn towards Night Raid. I thought they'd be knocked out longer than that. I underestimated them. I ignore the searing pain on both arms as I walk towards them.

"You," I clench my fists, "you just made the biggest mistake of your life!"

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